⊹₊ ⋆ 𝐓ɦ𝖾 𝐄𐓣ᑯ 𝚰𝗌 𝐇𝖾𝗋𝖾!┊010

Comenzar desde el principio

"Awee, you guys waited for me!"

"Meh, not really. We just needed the original you since the clone version was no help." Mei shrugged.

"Oh," MK said nonchalantly. He hopped into Pigsy trucks along with you and the others and drove off towards the mountain.


You guys zoomed past the "DO NOT ENTER" sign and to where there was a giant hole in the ground where red light glowed out.

"Wait, how'd we get into our normal clothes?" You looked down at the robes you normally wear. (You need an outfit change honestly, that shit probably smells like ass).

"There's a literal apocalypse going on and the world is at stake, and you're asking how'd we get into our normal clothes?" Pigsy scoffed.

"Alright! What's the plan?" Sandy changed the subject before Pigsy became a piece of bacon.

"Uhhh, I dunno." MK shrugged.

"The fuck you mean 'I dunno'?" You mocked me.

"I was just gonna wing it..."

"Sounds great! let's go!" Sandy cheered along with Mei.

MK looked at the both of them with terror, "What!? No, I didn't mean you guys too!"

"You thought you were going without us?" Tang pushed up his glasses.

"MK, we get it. You're the Monkey Kid, it's your job to fight the bad guys." Pigsy chuckled.

"You are quite foolish to think we wouldn't come alongside you with every step of your journey." You looked over at MK.

"Were your team, Little Man! It's our job to get you there!" Sandy exclaimed.

"No matter what." Mei chirped. MK looked at all of you and smiled softly.

Pigsy slams his foot onto the gas pedal and speeds off the cliff of the bridge. The truck slams onto the ground and continues to speed down the street. Sandy, MK, and Mei cheered excitedly while one of the Demon Bull clones chased behind you all in a monster truck.

Pigsy weaved and dodged around until the truck slammed right into the side of Pigsy's truck. The truck tips over, causing Tang to fall over and squish him and Pigsy into the window.

"Look, there! DBK's Throne room!" Tang exclaimed and he pointed towards the huge hole in the ground. "It's gotta be over there...!" The monster truck pulls up right in front of Tang causing him to yelp in surprise.

The dark, black truck crashes into Pigsy's truck, causing a huge explosion along with pieces of car parts flying around the place. Sandy jumps out of the truck and through the explosion, you jump out alongside Sandy in your tiger form.

You and Sandy sprint toward the monster truck. Both of you jump and crush the truck with your fist/paw. A bunch of Bull clones and robotic body parts shot up in the air.

You quickly shift back into your human form scoop up both MK and Mei off of Sandy's back and run off. You all look back at Sandy as he gives you a supportive thumbs up and winks before a huge swarm of Bull clones pile on top of him.

"Wahoo! Le-gooo!" Mei cheered out before MK and Mei shrieked out in terror once you all dropped down the massive hole.

"I didn't anticipate the hole being this deep!" You shriek. You unsheathed your claws from your hands and slammed them onto the rock wall of the hole. A loud screeching sound echoed from the rocky wall as bright, sparkly, yellow sparks flung out.

-ˋˏ [𝘽𝙚𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙙] ˎˊ ~ 𝙇𝙈𝙆 𝙭 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora