Jay's eyes widened. He didn't know who their father was, heck up until that moment he'd probably questioned if Drac and Mal even shared a father, but he knew that talk of the man was practically taboo. A rule made by Mal herself. Everyone else knew who their parents were, Evie's dad was the huntsman, Carlos' dad was Jasper – apparently he and Cruella had a thing back when she was taking down the Baroness and they had rekindled it long enough on the Isle for Carlos to come along. And Jay's mom was Amara, an eternally young sorceress who taught Jafar magic. But no one knew about Mal and Drac's father. He was the best kept secret on the Isle, maybe even throughout all of Auradon.

"I know she hates him." Drac went on. "But I. . . I don't see why her feelings should influence my decisions."

"She's your older sister man. She's just looking out for you." Jay shrugged.

"But she hasn't even given him a chance. Dad did so much for me after the coronation, when I had no one. When the idea of taking back my turf and keeping it from Uma seemed impossible. . . he helped me. Mal won't even let me explain that."

Ahead of them CJ's eyes went wide as she pieced together the puzzle. Finding Drac hiding out in Hades Souvlaki Shop, Drac promising protection to everyone after Hades' unexpected rampage.

Holy –


Drac's head shot up to the branches just as Diaval swooped down and landed on top of a large bounder off to the side of the path they tread. He tapped his foot and Drac hurried over, finding a clump of matted fur his raven had found. It was the same sandy shade as Ben's hair but it left them with more questions then answers. What trouble could Ben be in where his hair would be torn from his head? Was Audrey torturing him? Created monsters to claw and tear at him? The thought alone brought Mal's worried face to mind and Drac pinched the clump of hair and crouched down as Dude trotted over.

"Is it his?"

Dude took one sniff, "Whew! Absolutely! Same strong cologne but it's got a touch of. . . something else. Uck! That's nasty!"

"Ben!" Carlos shouted again as he continued deeper into the woods. Dude hurried to take the lead, sniffing out Ben's trail. Diaval flew a foot or so over him, seeming to not want to be outdone by the mutt.

Caw! Caw! He screeched before flapping his wings and taking off deeper into the foliage until they couldn't see him.

"Think he found him?" Jay asked as they hurried along.

"I'll see!" Dude exclaimed hurrying over to the nearest bush Diaval vanished behind. He took a deep sniff, "Boy something stinks. And it wasn't me this time!"

Then a huge roaring creature leapt out from behind a tree growling loudly at them. They all backpedaled as it rounded on their group. Dude shouted in fright and leapt out of the way as Carlos pushed Gil back as the monster charged and ended up slamming into a tree. It quickly turned and attacked again as Harry ducked its paw ready to claw off his head. The monster tripped over a log but somersaulted back onto its feet. It turned and growled at them again before running at CJ, Harry pushed her into Drac who tugged her back and away from the danger as Harry now faced it. While Harry's attention was on CJ and her safety Jay quickly grabbed Harry and pulled him out of the way, saving him from getting mauled. The beast kept growling as it climbed a small hill getting a vantage point where it could pounce on any one of them. Drac's eyes glowed as his palms warmed up. Diaval landed on his shoulder and kept cawing, as if encouraging his master to let the beast have it.

"You need some serious nose adjustments." Harry snapped at Dude.

"I'm not so sure." Carlos said as the beast roared again, "Ben?"

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now