Fuck. The witnesses. I couldn't lie. But I couldn't say the truth. So there is only one thing to do: turn the lie into the truth and the truth into the lie—which makes no sense.

"Mr. Milestone simply owes some money."

"And, where is Mr. Milestone?"

I swallowed. Dead. Chopped up. Maybe on a plane to Japan—in pieces

"Uh...uhm. Isn't he at home?" Why was I defending this woman? This was the second time I'd done it—must be love.

"No, his granddaughter said; she hadn't seen him since yesterday morning."

"Really?" So even his granddaughter had no idea he was fleeing; perhaps he deserves what he got. Because I knew Isami would go for her after we all died. She was that brutal.

"Tell us what occurred yesterday." His eyes penetrated my face.

"Well, Mr. Milestone, owe her money—"

"Who is she?"

"I failed to get a name. Well, I did. Is merely because she's Korean, thus she has an unusual name." I lied. She was not Korean. However, they all appear to be the same—they were not.

"What else has happened?" He inquired, taking notes on his notepad.

"She rushed everyone out and demanded payment—"

"Did Mr. Milestone come then?"

"No, she spoke with him on the phone, and he directed us to give her everything in the safe."

"So you didn't see Mr Milestone at all yesterday."

"Yes. Only while the restaurant is open. He always departs after that."

"Is everything OK?" I inquired, already knowing what destiny Mr. Milestone had encountered. What exactly was I doing picking up for this woman?

What was I gaining from it?

"Could you please describe the woman?"

"How. She's Korean or perhaps Chinese. That is all I know."

Officer Barns grinned. "I suppose they're all the same, right?"

I nodded.

"We've got more horrible news. It appears that this woman has caused havoc in this community, huh?"

"Mm...I'm not sure. What's the bad news?"

"When was the last time you saw Kyle or any of his typical associates?"

"Here at the motel. They came to see me, we had a laugh or two, and then they went. What is wrong?"

"Are you certain it was the last time you saw them?"

So he believes I was going to tell him that this lady not only killed Mr. Milestone, but also cut him up and sent him to Japan, killed thirteen guys, and fucked me so hard in front of my ex. He must be dreaming.

"Yeah..." I sighed. "Is something wrong?"

"A dog walker found Kyle Hummock's body early this morning. He was discovered among his other brunt companions.

"Wh-what?!" I pushed tears into my eyes. "That cannot be."

"You are welcome to come down by the station to identify the deceased."

"No...I cannot." I murmured.

"That is understandable."

"Do you plan to leave town?" Officer Brooke questioned, slamming the book shut and stuffing it into his top pocket.

I looked at the duffel bag by the entrance.

"Can't I? Not that I was leaving." I chuckled nervously.

"It would be wise to stay in town in case we have further queries. Also, one final thing. Who was working with you last night?"

"Uhm..." I swallowed. If they went and questioned them and said something different, we'd all be dead—not just in prison. I ultimately gave them the names, but as soon as they departed, I grabbed my phone and phoned Nadine.


My feet burnt into the carpeting as I massaged them in. I've been trying to reach Nadine for the past fifteen minutes, but I couldn't contact her.

I need her to relay the identical story that I gave the cops. If we only have one tale, they may not probe further.

I was planning to leave town tonight. Fuck the consequences. I don't mind if I become a fugitive. Maybe I'll just go to one of those countries that only need a plane ticket and my ID. Fuck the State.

I decided to give it one more shot before phoning my parents for money. I had no intention of asking them for any at first. But my intentions altered when I answered the door and spoke with the police.

"Hello." Her faint voice emerged.

"Oh, my God! Nadine! Yes!" I pumped. "Listen to me, fucking clearly."

"Wha? What!"

"Shut the fuck up. The cops will come see you and the other, I'm not sure when, but they did visit me today. You must tell them exactly what I am going to tell you."

"Why are they coming to us?"

"Mr. Milestone has died. Kyle and his friends have died. If you do not do this, you and your children will die. So shut the fuck up and listen to me. Listen closely." Walking to the window, I peered down at the parking lot and saw what appeared to be one of Isami's men getting into a black vehicle. It was the same design as the automobiles that were at the restaurant yesterday. I was being monitored.

"I don't believe this is happening." Nadine murmured.

"Well, you best tell them what I said."

How can one lady just walk into town and cause havoc? Ugh! And I can't believe she made me feel like this; I was so friggin pitiful.

"Remember, no slipups or you'll die." My voice sounded aggressive, but I can't have her mucking things up for the rest of us. "I need to go." 

cold Sweat (Mafia Romance) GirlxintersexWhere stories live. Discover now