Prologue: The hero of the Lantern City

Start from the beginning

Lady Bone Demon: "He got away so fast."

Lady Bone Demon then vanished to find Jabarri.

Female Narrator: "A true story, that will never be forgotten."

Then Jabarri teleported and landed roughly to the ground and seat up and found himself in the opening of the middle of the forest.

Jabarri: (In his mind) 'She dodged my attack. What the hell was that?'

Then suddenly a loud crash came from the distance from the city, it got Jabarri concern about everyone's safety.

Jabarri: (In his mind) 'Hold on, just a little longer.'

Lady Bone Demon: "You can't escape from this, Jabarri Jing."

Jabarri: (In his mind) 'She can teleport like a spirit, no wonder she was able to grab Hana and move so quickly. She even heard and now knows that the Nine Tails seal will weaken during giving child birth, even more than that, she undo the Nine Tails seal and tamed him.'

Jabarri glares at her as he stood up on his feet.

Jabarri: "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

Lady Bone Demon: "I. Am. The Lady Bone Demon. I apologize for what will happen next, Jabarri. But you can't get away from your destiny."

Jabarri: "You know what? In the end, it doesn't matter who or what you are. But why attack the city?"

Lady Bone Demon: "What would you like to hear, I could say I did it all to win, or that I planned it, or that is for war, or that to perfect this world."

Lady Bone Demon summoned an ice spear as Jabarri looked at her with widened eyes.

Jabarri: (In his mind) 'Either way, she's not ordinary, she can control the Nina Tails, her powers has surpassed mine and she got some dangerous ideology. If I don't settle this now, it'll be even bigger problems than the Nine Tails, if I transfer myself to the city, she'll come to the battle field with me, and it'll be chaos.'

Lady Bone Demon: "Now that the Nine Tails is unleashed, there is no hope for any of you!"

Jabarri and Lady Bone Demon charged at each other, Jabarri tried to slashed her but she managed to get defensive and dodging his attacks, Lady Bone Demon threw the ice spear at him but Jabarri managed to dodge it.

Jabarri: (In his mind) 'She can see right though one of my moves, I have to hit for a mutual strength, precisely timed. But she knows that she's vulnerable when she attacks, and considering the time remaining of the Nine Tails' summoning power, she wouldn't want to length the battle either. Every attack is instant quicker than the other, will win this match.'

Jabarri charged at the Lady Bone Demon and summoned his blue spinning ball of chakra, and then the Lady Bone Demon made the seal to stop him, she smirked and believed that he is done for.

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