Prologue: The hero of the Lantern City

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Narrator's POV

It was a full moon in night time, then there was a loud thumping sound in the Lantern City like a something giant is attacking the city. Then a giant orange furred claws thumped on the ground and the giant creature let out a loud roar revealed of what caused the loud thumping sound in near the Lantern City, The Nine-Tailed Fox. It's right eye is glowing red while it's left on is glowing neon blue, like it's being possessed.

Female Narrator: "This is a story about a hero. A hero who saved the Lantern City from an attack by a vicious beast."

The people in the Lantern City were peaceful and minding their own business, until suddenly a loud thump came to the city, everyone in the Lantern City looked to see where the sound came from until they all looked up and saw a giant nine-tailed fox snarling at them.

Random neighbor: "It's the Nine Tails!"

Then the Nine Tailed beast raised it's claws a slashed at the city and started to destroy the city and everyone started to run to their safety.

Then a man who suddenly appeared on the mountain.

Female Narrator: "Who truly risked his life defending the city."

The Nine Tailed beast sensed it and spotted the man on the mountain and started to snarl at him.

Female Narrator: "A noble man with a burning will of fire."

The man standing on the mountain glaring at the Nine Tails and saw it noticed him, the man is known as Jabarri Jing.

Jabarri: "So, did you notice me...?"

The Nine Tails keeps snarling at him and then it started to summon the tailed beast bomb, Jabarri pulls out his sword and held it up laying in front of him and using the teleportation barrier to prevent the beast's bomb to destroy the mountain. Then the beast blasted a giant ball of the tailed beast bomb and shoot it at Jabarri, but it got teleported the other side of the mountain and the bomb exploded.

Jabarri: (In his mind) 'With this much power, I've got to carefully choose where I redirect it's attack.'

Then he suddenly sensed something or someone behind him, he slashed his sword at white skeletal form, red eyes, and prominent cheekbones, her tresses were a snowy hue, with a portion of it tied into a bun while the remainder is straight and loose, her lips were magenta, and her eyes were accented with a shade of medium blue eyeshadow, she is known as the Lady Bone Demon. She dodged his attack, she then evilly chuckled, Jabarri started to have shivers down his spine, the Lady Bone Demon grabbed him by his arm.

Lady Bone Demon: "I am your opponent, Jabarri. And you're done for."

The ice stone is started to slowly spread through his arm, but he used his teleportation in time to save himself.

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