Chapter 16 - We're having a baby, Sammy!

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4 weeks later

The first trimester had passed. I was now 13 weeks pregnant. Things had calmed down a little the remaining four weeks. The swell in my stomach was now visible - barely, but it was still there. I'd been hiding it with baggy flannels. Sammy had spent these past few weeks with me. He had even abandoned any new hunts to stay with me. He was still under the illusion that I was unwell.

Cas had been doing weekly checks on me. He'd always light up whenever he felt the heartbeat, but I could always sense there was something more he wasn't telling me. I knew that he would tell me in time though.

Dean had been like a very over-protective big brother since I told him - always making sure I was comfortable, bringing me food and drink when I felt too ill to get out of bed, talking to me when I needed it, and making sure that Sam was looking after me. It made me smile. We're like the sibling that both of us always wanted.

Jack doesn't know yet, of course. I have a feeling he can sense it, you know, through his powers. But he hasn't said anything, so I can't be sure. I've got to tell him and Sam soon though.

I lay on the bed, waiting for Sammy to return, when Cas appeared next to me.

"Cas, hi". I jumped.

"Sorry Jessie. I'm always startling you". I chuckled, frowning.

"I need to do my weekly check again. You're about 13 weeks now, meaning you are into the second trimester". I nodded. "And I've noticed you're making less frequent and sudden trips to the bathroom". He was right. The sickness had mostly worn off, which I was very happy about.

"Of course. Check away." I lifted up my top slightly, before adding "but oh- be quick. I think Sam will be back soon" he nodded, placing his glowing hand over my tiny bump. His face lit up again.

"All is well" he smiled "the baby is safe. Congratulations Jessie, you made it through the first trimester, so I think I can say that you will be carrying this baby around for another 27 weeks". I felt my insides jump as my mouth turned up at the sides. I began beaming, happy tears springing to my eyes. I reached out, embracing Cas. I felt his arms wrap around me. We hugged silently for a few minutes. He had this comforting aura about him. He could always make me feel safe. I loved him. Not in the way that I loved Sammy, but in a platonic way. I could always count on him.

I heard Sam's voice from behind me. He sounded concerned.

"Jessie, you okay?"

I let go of Cas as he rushed to my side and knelt before me. Rubbing my eyes, I looked ahead at Cas. He nodded once and silently left the room. Raising my head back down, I met Sam's puppy dog eyes and held his gaze.

"Nothing's wrong Sammy" I laughed sweetly as a few drops fell from my eyes.

"Then why are you crying pretty lady?" he cocked his head to the side, joining me on the bed. I sighed and flopped back. Sam mimicked me, making me laugh. Silence fell over us for a moment. I could feel him watching me out the corner of my eye.

I took a deep breath. "Sammy I have something to tell you". I closed my eyes. He moved closed beside me.


I lifted my top up slightly, exposing my stomach and opened my eyes. I watched Sammy's pupils trace down to my stomach. I saw his face turn from confusion to understanding to awe and then to excitement. He began grinning.

"Are you-?" I nodded and laughed. He quickly engulfed me in a hug, rocking me from side to side.

"Oh Jessie! This is amazing" he cried out. I felt a few tears hit my shoulder. I pulled away to look at his face. His eyes were wet but he had the biggest smile on his face. He slowly moved his hand down to my stomach and gently pressed against it. His palm felt warm to the touch.

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