I spent most of my time with renesme and and Charlie came to visit as he Meets renesme for the first time. And later we had to test Bella's  strength. And my renesme keeps growing everyday.

Then one day Bella said she saw irina carlisle calls his cousins. "Tanya convinced lrina to come reconcile with us."

"It looks like she changed her mind." Edward said.

"Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her." I said.

"Wish I could have just spoken to her." Bella said.

"She's family. She'll come around." Carlisle said wrapping his arms around me.

And renesme plays a piano showing us some entertainment. And then out of nowhere Alice drops her flowers.

"The Volturi. They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard. And lrina." Said Alice.

"Why?" Charlisle asked.

"What did lrina see in the woods?" Edward said.

"Ness was catching snowflakes" Jacob said.

"Of course. Irina thinks Renesmee's an lmmortal Child."

"An immortal child?" I asked "what's that?"

Carlisle sighs "The lmmortal Children were very beautiful. So enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Humans heard about the devastation. Stories spread. The Volturi were forced to intervene. Since the Children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed. Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long-established covens were torn apart. Countless humans slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families. Lost."

"So the Denalis' mother made an lmmortal Child?" Bella asked.

"Yes. And she paid the price."

This story was a shocking tale that was said.

"Well, Renesmee's nothing like those children. She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day." Bella said.

After all that Edward suggest to find friends around the world witness to be exact If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen.

Carlisle and I went to Egypt and we got some people there and they came and saw renesme ma first memory. We invited 18 vampires to our home. Many have many gifts. However there were two vampires came uninvited. They only came to fight the voulturi. They told us aria witnesses are coming as well.

"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." Eleazar said

"So he's done this before?" Bella said.

"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern."

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant." Carlisle said.

"This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the Guard" eleazar said.

"This is all about Alice. He has no one like her." Edward said.

We talked about that we would stand to fight no matter what happens but if it does we will be prepared.

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