Another day we were prepared for the newborn as we started to fight them as ther werewolves helped us and were kicking ass.

Then Carlisle and I see a girl and we move to attack her but she backs up in fear. Carlisle and I share glances.

"We have company coming" Alice said.

Carlisle looks at me "We'll deal with her in a momant but first help me burn the bodies"

We dragged every body of newborns and piled them up and burned them.

"How long?" Edward asked walking with Bella.

"A few minutes. Maybe ten." Alice said.

"Carlisle: The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle said.

Then we see a new born attack jacob as he was injured I ran up to jacob to see what happen "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." I said

Carlisle looks at it "I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting."

The pack is gonna take him somewhere as Carlisle will be there soon. But the people from the volturi came after the pack left.

"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." The woman said.

"We were lucky" charlisle said.

"I doubt that"

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." The man beside her said.

"Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary." The girl said.

" If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." Edward said.

"Pity" then she looks to see the newborn girl "you missed one"

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Charlisle said.

"That wasn't yours to offer." Then she looked at her "Why did you come?" No answer as she used her power to make her scream "who created you"

I hate to see her in pain "you don't need that she'll tell you anything you want to know."

"I know"

"don't know Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." The girl said.

"Her name was Victoria." Edward spoke "Perhaps you knew her."

"Edward." Carlisle spoke "If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?"

"Of course felix" she turns to the guy on her right as I knew what he was about to do.

"She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance." I said.

"The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." She looks to Bella.

"The date is set" Bella spoke.

Then the guy felix takes care of the girl and kills her.

I looked at Carlisle and he pulls me in for a hug.

Ageless love (Carlisle X OC)Where stories live. Discover now