So I agreed to get Bella home as I wait in her line the truck. Bels said she would tell Charlie I would take her to Florida  and she starts packing up her stuff saying goodbye to her dad and I started driving her.

"I understand your pain but don't worry he's safe the trackers following us." Then we heard a loud thud "it's just Edward and emmet. They're talking to me"

"What else are they saying?"

"Alic in the car behind us"

"Hey, good punch earlier" she said.

I chuckled "well, he he comes around I'll give him more"

Then we get the Cullen house as Bella and I get inside to see Carlisle with Laurent.

I was gonna attack "wait." Carlisle stops me "he came  to warn us about James"

"This isn't my fight, and I've grown tired of his games,but he's got
unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal.I've never seen anything like him in my 300 years. And the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her." Then he leaves.

I walked up to Carlisle and hugged him then we all go to the garage to get stuff.

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James" Carlisle said.

"What if he kills one of us first?"

"I'm gonna run Bella south can you lead the tracker from here?"edward said.

"No Edward James knows you would never leave Bella he'll follow you. Alanna will go with her." Carlisle said.

"Jasper and I will go south with them" Alice said.

I take Bella to the car and I got her in and I walked up to Carlisle. "If anything happens I swear to god.."

"Nothings gonna happen" he assures me. There's seven of us and two of them, and when erverythings done I'll come back to get you and Edward will get Bella."

"Yeah" I nod.

"Alanna Bella is Edward's life just as you are my like now." He gives me a quick kiss "get in the car"

I nod as I get to the car as we headed south I we stayed in the hotel as we were safe. Or so we thought.

Until Alice saw something she figured out the tracker had changed course she sees morris as she draws something that looks like a ballet studio.

My phone rings it was Carlisle "Carlisle are you okay?"

"We've lost the tracker" he said on the phone. "The woman's still in the area Rosalie is going back to forks to protect Bella's father. We're coming to get you guys"

Then I hung up as I looked to see no Bella "where's Bella?"

"She said she had to take a breather"

I could feel something wasn't right "I'm gonna go find her."

I ran outside to find her it took me ours until I heard screaming from a ballet studio.

But then I remembered Alice's drawing "The ballet studio!"I go in to see James stepping on Bella's leg. I ran up and attacked him.

Then he grabs me and pushes me to a mirror "you're alone 'cause yours faster than the others. But not stronger."

"Im strong enough to kill you" I kicked him "You think I was done? No! Imma beat your ass. Don't touch my friend." Then he runs up and throws me as I saw him go up to Bella a bit herand I started attacking him.

I was beating his ass good just then I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned it was Carlisle. Then I see emmit, jasper who were gand Alice and Edward come to bella.

Carlisle gently grabs me from behind and pulls me to him tightly "Baby enough." Then I took a deep breath and leaned my head to him.

"Carlisle her blood" Alice said.

"They will take care of him" Carlisle said. As we went to Bella who is injured.

"her femoral artery's been severed she's loosing blood" I said

"It's the venom" Edward said to Carlisle.

Carlisle look at Edward "You have to make a choice. You could let the change happen."

"No" Edward said.

"It's gonna happen Edward I've seen it" Alice said.

"It doesn't have to be that way"

"She's still hemorrhaging" I said

"Alice" Carlisle turned to Alice "make me a tourniquet your belt tie it above my hands"

"What's the other option?" Edward asked.

"We could try to suck the venom out"

"Would ywe be able to stop?" I asked.

"Find the will to stop but we have to choose she only has minutes left"

Then Edward takes her wrist and continues drinking.

"Edward stop" Carlisle tells him "her blood is clean you're killing her" he doesn't stop.

Then after a minute i stoped Edward from killing her and we took her to the hospital where she would Recover.

I stood alone on the wall and Carlisle walks up and leans to a wall.

"She'll be fine" he said.

I sighed I relief and wondered why Edward kept Bella human.

"Why didn't Edward let her turn if he loved her?"

Carlisle seemed hesitant to answer "he believes Bella deserves the life she has. He doesn't want her to become what he has become."

"That's fair" I said looking at him. "Even though we both know I don't know what's it's like to turn. I was born not bitten. I aged slowly. And all my family is dead."

Carlisle touched my hand "not your whole family." He walks in front of me "I talked to my kids and they agreed for me to have you as part of the family."

I smiled "thank"



"I want you to come live with us. If you're all right"

I touched his face "I think you know the answer"

He smiles and leans down and presses his lips and I kissed him back.

One thing for sure I'm so in love with this man.

Ageless love (Carlisle X OC)Where stories live. Discover now