Hours of Alice making us plan it Bella comes to the house happy to see us.

Carlisle and I walked up to Bella "sorry about all this" Carlisle said "we tried to rein Alice in"

"As if that were even possible" I said as I hugged her "happy birthday Bella"


Then then they giver her presents as Alice gets Edward and Bella together for a picture.

Then Carlisle pulls me and puts his arms around my waist and wispers in my ear "wish it was your birthday so I can celebrate it"

I chuckled "you're gonna have to wait because my birthday was a week before I moved here"

I looked at him as he kissed my nose "then I'll wait for that time to come"

We looked at Alice who was giving our president to Bella "open Alanna and Carlisle's" she said.

"Just a little something to brighten you day" Carlisle said.

"Yes you've been looking kind of pale lately" I told her.Bella tries to open it when she gets a paper cut and her blood dropped o the floor I knew something wasn't right when Edward pushed her. I went to catch her as we hit the wall and I hit my arm on glass. I grunt in pain as checked on her "you okay?"

Bella nods "your arm?!"

I looked at it and noticed the cut I was bleeding Carlisle came up to me and checked my arm. Which was shocking because I never bled before.

"I'll have to stitch this up in my office" he said as he looks at Edward "check on jasper im sure how very upset with himself but I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now. Then take Bella home."

Edward nods as he leaves. As Carlisle takes me to his office to stitch me up  "Bella never wanted to have a party" I said.

"It's no one's fault" he said taking out some glass "Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us."

It's crazy that they have done that not drink human blood it must take skill.

"Even though I am half- vampire I have never drank anyone's oblood in my life. The only blood I tasted was my own just to clean my own wounds. But how do you do it?"

He looks at me "years and years of practice."

"Did you ever think of just doing it the easy way?"

"No.I knew who I wanted to be.
I wanted to help people. It brings me happiness even if I am damned regardless"

"Damned like hell?" He didn't answer "Carlisle you couldn't be damed it's impossible"

"Thank you Alanna you've always been gracious about us"

"Because that's how grandma raised me to be" I smile.

He puts his hands on my face and leans closer "well, if your grandma was still alive I would thank her for raising a gracious woman" he leans in and kissed me passionately.

I love this man for all my heart.

Ageless love (Carlisle X OC)Where stories live. Discover now