Chapter 4

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"Rise and shine Mer! It's a beautiful day and I know seeing me first thing in the morning, makes it even better, so-"
"Stiles, if you don't shut up and get the hell out of my room, Noah is going to come and find your broken body on my floor"
"Shutting up and leaving now, but uhm get up, maybe? Your alarm didn't go off, so I think you forgot to set it, but we have to leave for school soon" Emerson groans, taking her pillow and burying her face in it, she heard Stiles let out a chuckle before exiting her room. She laid there for a couple of minutes not wanting to move before she reluctantly got up to get ready for the day. When she was ready she made her way downstairs walking into the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice from the fridge and to put some bread in the toaster. Noah sat at the kitchen table simultaneously drinking a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper, Emerson making her way to sit beside him.

"Morning kid, how did you sleep?" He set his cup down on the table, turning his attention to the girl. She shrugged in reply taking a sip of her drink, she hadn't slept, not really anyways. Noah set his newspaper down, a worried glance playing on his face. "Is it the nightmares? I thought that was getting better. When was the last time you had a full night sleep?" To be honest Emerson didn't even know herself, every night when she was beginning to fall to a deep slumber, a nightmare would wake her up, what's worse was is that they're weren't really nightmares, but repressed memories from her old life.

"I don't know," she sighed, "but I'm fine, they don't really affect me that much anymore." That was a lie and they both knew it. "it's ok if they do you know, I would never judge you for that and neither would Stiles, or Scott or Lydia for that matter." She nodded, a silent "I know" falling from her lips, "but I really am ok." Noah sighed, he wasn't gonna push her on the topic, but he knew she wasn't being all that honest, so he decided to change the topic. "Alright fine, but I want you to tell me or at least someone if it ever gets worse ok?" She softly nodded in agreement. "Good, now there's something else I would like to talk to you about." That certainly caught her attention, making her sit up and pay close attention to the man.

"I was thinking, as much as I know you love your bike, and I'm very proud of how hard you worked on it," Emerson couldn't stop the smile that was forming at her lips, no one had ever told her they were proud of her, at least not in a way that mattered, "but I was thinking, maybe you should have another form of transportation just in case, so if your willing we could go to the shop later today and browse for something your style, preferably something with more than one person access and cover from bad weather." She chuckled, "that sounds ok"
"Alright good I'm glad you agree, at least this way you have a spare ride if you need to pick up your friends or if Stiles gets too annoying to drive with." They both shared a look making them burst out in laughter, as if he could sense that they were talking about him Stiles made his way down the stairs towards them with a confused look in his face.

"What's so funny?'' Noah and Emerson shared another look, Emerson covering her mouth with her hand while Noah cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee. "It's nothing Stiles, Noah was just telling me how he thought it should get a car just in case I couldn't drive my bike or neither of you are around." Stiles hummed nodding, "that's a good idea pops,'' he reached around Emerson taking the piece of toast that she had forgotten till that moment. "Hey! I was going to eat that," Stiles points at her with the piece of toast at hand, "were you really?'' She stayed silent before scoffing, "whatever you know you could have just asked." Stiles chuckled in return, mouthful of toast, "where's the fun in that." She shook her head finishing her drink, Noah watching amused at the scene before also finishing his coffee and standing up.

"Ok then its settled, after school we can stop at the shop, this guy I know works there, I'm sure he could give us a fair price for a nice car." Emerson frowned, "wait no, I don't want you to spend money on me, I can buy my own car." Noah shook his head, "you don't have to do that Emerson I can-'' Emerson cutting him off, "I know what your going to say, but I want to, you have done so much for me already I don't want to take advantage of you generosity"
"This has stopped being generosity a long time ago kiddo, okay? You're part of this family, a Stilinski, my kid." Emerson eyes watered at the statement, her head turning toward Stiles who sent her a smile and nod in return. She sighed, blinking the tears away, " still, I want to do this,'' Noah sighed before nodding, "ok you can use your money but only if, you let me contribute too." Emerson knowing that that was the best she would get, reluctantly agreed, Noah smiling in victory, making Emerson softly chuckle. She stood up clearing her plate and cup before heading to the kitchen to clean them and then make her way to school. Stiles was picking Scott up, so Emerson rode to school on her bike having to meet with Lydia at the library.

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