Chapter 2

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The next morning, Stiles made sure to catch Emerson up on some new found information. Apparently Scott was with Derek in the woods, when they were found and chased by some hunters. Scott was alright, Stiles said he had been shot, but apparently it was healing. They had gone to school, Stiles and Emerson hanging out in the parking lot. Stiles was still fascinated by the girls bike, wanting Emerson to teach him how to ride one. She laughed at the thought of it. Stiles was out of his mind, she knew the second the boy got on the bike, he would find a way to get hurt, so she told him no, making him offended. Scott had left them the second they made it to the school, wanting to find and apologize to Allison.

At the end of the school day, Scott hurried to the locker rooms. Emerson and Stiles shared a glance before hurriedly chasing after Scott. Emerson didn't care that it was the boys lockers, she just wanted to know that Scott was alright. Scott told them that one of the hunters from the woods, just so happened to be Allison's dad, great supernatural Romeo and Juliet she thought.

"Allison's dad." Scott nods, "shot me"
"Allison dad" Stiles repeated, "with a crossbow" Scott breathed out.
"Her father-" Stiles was cut off by a slap to the back of his head, he grimaced before turning around.
"Mer, what the hell?"
"Yes, Allison's father, yes he shot Scott, snap out of it Stiles." Stiles stood mouth agape, while Emerson turned back so she was facing Scott.

"Scotty, did he recognize you?" Scott thinks for a moment, shaking his head, "no, no I don't think so." Emerson nods in relief, Stiles jumping back in the conversation, "do you think Allison knows?" Scott starts freaking out again, he had no idea if Allison was aware of her family's status as hunters.

"Scotty? Hey look at me," Emerson walks closer to the boy, "it's going to be alright, ok? We can figure this out." Stiles nods from behind her, wanting Scott to calm back down. Once Scott's breathing goes back to normal, Stiles encouraged Scott to focus on lacrosse, with Emerson agreeing, they make their way to the field together.

Emerson sat at the bleachers by herself, pulling out her headphones once again. She didn't have to worry about someone speaking to her right now, so she made sure to wear both of them. The boys were just warming up so she wasn't paying much attention until, she hears a slight commotion, she looked up seeing Scott on the ground. She stood up shoving her stuff in her bag, and made her way down to where Stiles was sitting.

Stiles notices her and sends her a comforting smile, knowing she was concerned for the boy. She nodded back at him, appreciating the action. She turns to look back at Scott seeing him stand up, fixing up his gloves and pads before going back to the practice. Coach starts yelling things at Scott and she could tell by the way the boy hunched over that he was getting worked up. She shared a worried glance with Stiles, they watched as Scott begins to run to Jackson at full speed, colliding with him.

Scott's shoulder hit Jackson right in his collarbone, making him fall flat on his back on the grass. Emerson could hear the painful cry that Jackson let out, but he was not the one she was worried about. She and Stiles ran to the field checking up on Scott while everyone was distracted with Jackson. Emerson takes notice of the boy's fangs slipping out his mouth and the way his eyes are now glowing a bright golden color.

She makes eye contact with Stiles, motioning for him to help her take Scott out of there. They both wrap their arms around Scott lifting him up and dragging him out of the field. She felt eyes on her as she was helping Scott, turning her head slightly, she could make out the figure of Derek Hale watching them from a distance. She couldn't do anything about it at the moment so she just focused back on helping Scott. They dragged him all the way to the locker room Stiles pushing Scott through the door, Scott falling to his knees.

Stiles went to check on him, Emerson making sure the room door was closed and that no else was in there with them. She heard Scott yell a "get away from me" and she hurried back, seeing Stiles had fallen back from the shock of the scream. Stiles begins to crawl away as Scott is now making his way toward him. Emerson was quick to act however, she grabbed Scott by the back of his neck throwing him against the lockers, which formed a dent around him at the sudden impact.

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