Chapter 1

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*One year later*

Not sure what it means but this photo of us, it doesn't have a price, ready for those flashing lights, cause you know that, baby, I

"I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi" Emerson hummed along to the song playing from her headphones. She was in her room sitting on a chair by her desk, she was in her own little world sketching away, when her room door slammed open.

"Emerson, get ready, we are going to get Scott and heading to the woods, I just heard dad say they found a body there, I mean can you believe that, nothing exciting like that ever happens around here." Emerson turned to looked at Stiles, removing the earbuds from her ears.

"The fact you find that situation exciting doesn't surprise me" she arched an eyebrow at him. "But unfortunately I can't go, I promised Lyds I would hang out with her tonight, she's got this whole movie night thing planned"

"What seriously, I mean I'm sure Lydia would understand if you missed just this once, I mean it's a body, a dead body Emerson, when in your life would you ever see a dead body" he deadpanned, throwing his hands arms up in protest. Everyday. In her nightmares. Emerson thought.

Emerson stands up from her spot walking to her closet looking for a jacket. "Stiles as much fun as that sounds, I really don't feel like getting in trouble right now, Noah is still upset from when we sneaked into that abandoned building, after you dragged Scott and I along, may I add."

"Ok but it wasn't even that bad, dad was exaggerating" he waved her off. Emerson throws her jacket at Stiles, hitting him right in the face. " ouch oh what the hell-"
"We got chased through the building by a guy with a knife, then Scott almost fell through the floor, and I mean through Stiles, that building was so old I have no idea how it's still standing."

Stiles nods remembering  "ok I see you point but still not that bad, could have been worse" She glared at Stiles, "ok ok" he sighs.
"I mean we lived though, I mean you basically manhandled that guy, very bad ass"
Emerson rolled her eyes a small smile tugging at her lips, "yeah well I don't take kindly to being threatened"

"But still that was like a really long time ago I'm sure dad's forgotten about that by now" Emerson bent down picking up her jacket, putting it on, she stood in front of Stiles hands on her hips, "it was last week" she deadpanned.

Stiles goes to say something but gets cut off by the sound of Emerson's phone ringing. Emerson walks to her desk, going to answer her phone, Lydia's name showing up on the screen. "Hey Lyds," Stiles sighs, walking to Emerson's bed, lying down.

"Emerson, where are you, we agreed at 10 and it's now, ok it's only 9 but I'm bored, I need my best friend" Emerson could practically hear the pout on the strawberry blondes voice. She chuckled, "Lyds don't worry I'll be there soon, I'm just a little held up at the moment" she looked at Stiles from the corner of her eye.

"Fine, but you better be here soon, I'm ordering us Chinese." Emerson nods agreeing, "I will don't worry, see you soon Lyds."
"See you soon, Emmi." Emerson turns to Stiles, "hey can you give me a ride to Lydia's place? Since it's on the way to Scott's." Stiles sighs, defeated that she really wasn't coming with, "yeah of course, I was going to offer anyway." He shrugged. Emerson gave him a smile, also sensing his slight disappointment,  "hey, I'm sorry I won't be there," she made sure to walk to her bed and sit next to him.

He nods, "I know, it's ok you get in enough trouble with us as it is, go, hang with Lydia, we can get into trouble another time." She grins, placing a hand on his shoulder, Stiles placing his own on top of hers, Emerson wasn't a big fan of physical contact by any means, but sometimes with the people she's the most comfortable with, she'll allow it, even if it just for a little while. Stiles knew it, so he made sure to take his hand back after a moment.

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