In Love?

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We started another random Adam Sandler movie.
We sat next to each other but didn't touch, there was still a lot oft space between us but not as much as at the beginning.
I decided to make a move and got under the blanket.

,,You want to get under the blanket too?" I asked as if its not a big deal.

,,sure, why not" was his reply.

I Gave him some blanket and we had to get near to each other to fit under the blanket together.
After some time passed by I started to annoy him with touching his chest like it was a big boob.

,,hey what are you doing." He asked, with a smile on his face.

,,I like to touch man boobs, and the fact that I can annoy you with it is even better." I said and laughed.

,,if you say so, I'm gonna annoy you too." He said laughing back at me.

He wanted to tickle my side, but to do that he had to move me around closer and I still wanted to tease him so i had to get near to him as well and in the End his arm ended up being around me, just for a joke of course, we were only playing.
But we stayed in this position for a little to long for it to be just for fun. I knew that I like him a little bit more than just as a friend. I don't know how or why but I knew that I want him to be by my side for ever.
After staying in this uncommon cuddle position for to long we finally moved the lap top with the movie on it somewhere else. Now I was able to cuddle him the right way. I layed down with my head on his chest, my arm around him and my leg over his.
I was so scared and nervous that moment, I know that he had a tough love life but so did i, I still wasn't completely over the guy from summer, his name is Mark. And he hurt me a lot, I was so scared of love that I couldn't even enjoy cuddling because of my fear of getting hurt.

,,are you alright?" He asked me, noticing that I was in my thoughts.

,,no, not really..." I answered honestly.

,,why? What's wrong?" He asked, truly caring about me.

,,it always started like this, but in the end I always got played and hurt, I don't want this to ever happen again. And you said that you don't want anything serious right now, but i am not open for something casual." I explained my thoughts.

,,I understand that, but I am actually looking for something completely serious. That's all I ever wanted, I am just scared too." He said to me, looking me straight into my eyes.

,,really? And you really like me?" I asked, knowing that I was annoying him by asking all of this questions but I'd rather be completely sure than hurt.

,,yes I do, since we first were out together after I broke up with jessie." He said with a very understanding face.

He wasn't annoyed by my questions like anyone else, he understood it.

,,I am too, i even liked you a little bit to much when you were still with jessie." I asked, smiling in his face.

,, I should've chose you from the beginning, you are way better than her." He said to me.

,,thank you, i always knew that you were way to good for her."

,,Yeah and you were too, she does not deserve a best friend like you, kie."

,,good thing we're not friends anymore since the first time we went out together." I smiled right into his face

,,Yeah that's good, and I also like that you like my music, Jessie always hated it."

,, Yeah your music is good, but let's not talk about your ex all the time." I chuckeld a little bit, but he knew that I was serious.

He just took my head and placed it back on his chest and hugged me even tighter. I never felt more safe in my entire life.
We continued to watch the movie while enjoying to cuddle. I looked up at him every few seconds, of course he noticed that and at one point he just grabbed my chin and turned my head in his direction to kiss me we looked each other straight in the eyes until he pressed his lips on mine. the kiss felt like it was for ever but as it was over it was still not long enough. I snuggled back into his Chest with the brightest smile ever on my face. I hugged him a little bit tighter and placed my leg between his.

,,something is gonna happen tonight." He whisperd in my ear with demand in his voice.

,,nah I don't think so, we're not even together yet and  i also am on my period." I told him.

,,alright, but I bet you can't resist it much longer." He said, completely convinced about what he just said.

,,Yeah, we'll see." I said with a lot of confidence because I know that I can resist very good.

He seemd okay with my answer but didn't really believed me. We continued to just cuddle and watch the movie, but I felt so comfortable in his arms that I couldn't resist to say it.

,,I love you, JJ." I said, I never meant that sentence more serious than ever.

,,you too." He replied, he seemed very serious too, but why won't he say it?

,,you know that this doesn't count, right?" I asked him with disappointment in my voice.

,,Yeah I know, but I don't want to just say it back, I want to say it because I feel like it." He explained to me

I was okay with that answer, but I was still scared that he is just playing with me.

,,okay, if you say so." I answered.

,,I like you and I want to be with you, I am not playing with you, okay?"

Is he reading my mind again?

,,okay, thank you." I told him, I was very thankful that he explained everything to me so that I don't have to overthink everything.

We had around 4 or 5 AM at that moment so we just fell asleep while cuddling at some point.

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