Golf 4

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He texted me if I wanted to spend the day with him again, I didn't had anything else to do and Jessie hated me now even more so why not have good time and make her mad. We planned that he would pick me up at my place and than we wanted to drive to mc donalds.

,,what's up, you alright?" He asked as soon as I opened the door to get in.

,,not much, just starving mc donalds" I responded with a little smirk on my Face.

,,get in and we can go." He said.

I got in and we drove 30 minutes to mc donalds.

,,so how are you doing?" I asked him.

,,Yeah I am alright, I just hate Jessie at this point, I am not even heartbroken or sad just mad at her." He explained.

,,yeah I understand that, she was a real bitch and you deserve someone better." I told him.

Afer we got our food we drove on the highway and talked for hours again, a lot about Jessie and our friendship and their realationship, we found out that she was talking shit about the other one behind our backs.

,,I can tell you, after this shit, it'll take a long time for me to date again. Before Jessie I was single for years and wouldn't give love a chance, but when I met her I couldn't resist to fall in love. I really hoped that it would be diffrent this time, I wanted it to work, I would've done everything for her." He explained.

I felt so sorry for him, I knew how much he loved her, I could see it when they were together. I knew that he didn't deserved her, he was too good for that.

,,I know, Jayj. And I am so sorry that you got hurt again, I really hoped that you two would work out. But don't give up at all, love will come when you least expect it." I told him.

He told me that excat same thing when i was heartbroken. And i didn't believed him but I didn't knew that I'll change my mind about that in less than a day.

He started to share more private parts of his life, his backstory about his family which isn't perfect and his lifestyle. I noticed that he felt actually very comfortable talking about all this, because i didn't dragged him to.

,,so I am adopted, as soon as I got out I was with the people I call my family, I am not related to them but they are my family. Well my mom left me when I was 6 so I had to live with my dad. My dad is cool and I love him but it would've been nice to grow up with two parents." He said.

,,Yeah of course, I understand that and I am sorry, I didn't knew that, that's not fair. You grew up to a beutiful young man, your mom choosed to not see that, thats only bad for her, she is definitely missing something." I said, meaning every word I just said.

The next time we looked at the time 3 hours had gone by. I knew that we were going to be very good friends and hang out everyday at that moment. When it was time for us to go to sleep he brought me home.

,,have a good night, Kie." He said while I stepped out of his car.

,,thanks, you too Jayj. and drive safely." I replied to him.

I got out and walked to my door, I got ready for bed and as soon as I layed down I got the first message from JJ. He texted me about some food that we talked about earlier, he was thinking about me, and with that thought i went to sleep.

Of course we hung out the next day as well. He came over to me this time, we wanted to cook something and than watch a movie.

I saw him walking to my front door and got out of bed to open the door for him.

,,what's up, come in dude." I said and let him come in.

,,Thanks, I decided that we will make my special spaghetti bolognese today."

,,sounds good, let's go"

We walked into the kitchen and started to get everything ready. He started to tease me a bit, but in a flirty kinda way.
My Dad came in and said hello.

,,are you two a couple now?" He asked with a very sure look on his face.

I looked at JJ, than to my dad.

,,No, we're just friends." I said.

I looked at JJ to see that he was already looking at me, he seemed kinda sad.
As my dad left the room he started to flirt with me again, i noticed that he could maybe be more than a friend. And at that moment I decided that he won't go home today, he is going to stay here for the night.

,,what are we watching?" I asked while going into my room to eat. ,,I thought maybe new kids turbo?"

,,Yeah that's a pretty good film, but it's one that you have to watch with a lot of people, that's funnier." He said

I agreed and started to look for other movies, I know that boys don't like romantic and I don't like horror so it's going to be something funny.

We went for some movie with Adam sandler. It was nice, we laughed together but nothing really happened. We definitely started to get near to each other and as I wanted to lay in his Arms he got a phone call

,,Hey Dude whats up?"

Hey Man, I am chilling at kiara's right now, why are you asking?"

,,Ah that's nice, we're in town actually, wanna come out for a little joint?"

,,Yeah why not, we'll meet at the bus stop in 10 alright?"

,,Yeah sounds good."

*Hangs up*

,,Are you okay with that or would you rather stay here?" He asked me.

,,Yeah we can go, that's cool." I replied.

I knew his friends, they are my friends too so why not hang out together. Even though I would've really liked to cuddle him, I was almost at the point where I could've done it.

We sat there with our friend group for about 2 or 3 hours, they all talked about everything and got a little bit high. But I am used to that and Jay does really act diffrent when he is high. At 12AM he noticed that I was getting really tired.

,,should we go back to yours now?" He asked.

,,Yeah, if you want to we can go now." I answered.

So we went back and got back into bed to watch another movie, but we didn't got much from the movie....

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