Start from the beginning

Y/N just nodded and paid attention.

Blitzø: So, you must be aware of your surroundings and use it to your advantage. For example... uh.. Someone comes to the house to kill you and you're alone. What do you do?

Y/N: Why'd he want to kill me?

Blitzø: It's a hypothetical question.. What would you do?

Y/N: Umm..

The little hellhound looked around the kitchen.

Y/N: Find a hiding place?

Blitzø: ...If you don't want to fight, yes. But didn't you say you wanted fighting lessons?

The pup's ears perked up and she nodded.

Y/N: Oh, right, yeah.

The Imp suppressed an irritated sigh at Y/N's forgetful attitude and continued with the lesson.

Blitzø: So if a murderer broke into this house you would...

Y/N: Use my fists!

The young hellhound adopted the fighting stance her mentor taught her, made a proper fist and started throwing punches into the air. However, Blitzø caught her fist on the first try and held it firmly.

Y/N, feeling her fist trapped, tried to get out of her father's grip without any success.

Blitzø: I admire your enthusiasm, fluff. But for someone like you, the opponent'll be someone bigger and stronger than you, so a good punch won't be enough.

Blitzø stared at the pup as she persistently tried to free herself. To save her from getting tired so quickly, the Imp released Y/N's fist who stumbled to the floor and fell on her butt.

Blitzø: So in this case, use something around you to defend yourself.

Y/N stood up from the ground, rubbing her butt and looking around. The first thing she found was a napkin sticking out from the table and took it, showing it to her mentor. The Imp's eye twitched.

Blitzø: ..Of ALL the things you could find, you plan to defeat the enemy with a fucking napkin?!

Blitzø stands up and raises his arms, circling around.

Blitzø: We're in the KITCHEN!!! Most accidents at home happen here!! Killing someone in the kitchen should be one of the easiest things!

The little hellhound drooped her ears, and Blitzø rolled his eyes when he noticed it.

Blitzø: Well, neutralize... the thing is...

He leans on his knees to look at Y/N.

Blitzø:'d have to be pretty creative to beat someone with a napkin like that..

Y/N: Wait what? Can you really do that?

The pup tilts her head.

Blitzø: Well yeah, it's possible.

He puts his hand on his chin thoughtfully.

Blitzø: Maybe if you shove it down his throat to suffocate him or somethin- but that's not the point!

Blitzø shakes his head to refocus and takes the napkin from the pup's hands.

Blitzø: You're still a rookie, if anyome breaks in you won't have time to try to be creative so try something more effective.

Y/N nodded and looked around, she saw a knife on the counter. Blitzø noticed she gulped before jumping up and climbing the counter to just grab the glass carafe next to it.

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