December 1939

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Pine sap and orange citrus created a soothing scent around Annalissa as she wrestled with the Christmas tree in the large storefront window of 'Au bord de la riviere de roses'. Mrs. Sauveterre, concerned with wartime holiday etiquette, had been watching other business owners to see if they would decorate their storefronts.

  When Mr. Clemons, the barber and a devout Catholic, had set up his meter-tall golden nativity scene in his storefront in the second week of December, Mrs. Sauveterre had handed Annalissa money from her purse to buy the biggest Scots Pine from the market set up in the middle of the square.

  The store had closed for the evening, and Mrs. Sauviterre had left for a dinner date. Annalissa stayed late to decorate the tree, surrounded by a cozy, bright interior. She adorned the tree with fresh-cut oranges, antique bone china angels, gold tinsel, and paper mache Father Christmas ornaments, reveling in the childlike awe of her own skills.

  Lost in her thoughts, she was startled by a loud slap against the wavy glass window. Annoyed at being disturbed, she wiped away the condensation to see Hugh standing outside in the wintry night, his face illuminated by the Christmas lights. The distorted glow made him look almost like a fuzzy monster.

  She smiled and went outside to greet him, not bothering with her coat.

  "Hugh! Hello!" Her smile revealed her tooth gap, a smile he remembered fondly. It softened him for a moment until he remembered being stood up.

  "The tree looks nice," he said, trying to sound casual.

  "Hugh, I owe you an apology. I'm sorry I didn't show up."

  Hugh hesitated, then shook his head. "I thought you would come. It was a long time ago."

  "No, Hugh. I wanted to go. It's silly. My mother doesn't want me to date soldiers. I would just be breaking her heart."

  "Oh, your mother's your excuse. What about you? Did you want to go?" Hugh's tone was sharp and slightly defensive, surprising even himself.

   "I did. I was excited to go." Annalissa pleaded, wanting Hugh to understand.

   "I was excited for you to show up. Anyways, it's over now. Don't worry about it. Merry Christmas, Annalissa." Hugh took steps away from her.

  "Hugh—" Annalissa's throat tightened, her heart beating fast. She wanted to keep him there, her mind racing. Maybe they could go for coffee.

  "Yes?" His tall legs stopped, and he spun around.

  "Take care of yourself," she muttered.

  "Annalissa, you do the same."

    Hugh hurried off down the street to join a group of BEF soldiers. Annalissa hurried inside, seeking the warmth of the shop. She backed up into the window front to watch as the group disappeared into the night. She thought she saw Hugh looking back, but perhaps it was just the condensation and Christmas lights casting a hopeful mirage. Her hands trembled as she lifted a black and white glass ball to the tree, only to drop it and shatter it into a million pieces.

    She started to weep, hot tears streaming down her cheeks, warming her cold face.

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