Chapter Fourteen: Lucas

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"I am going to follow Maddie in her car, so her mom can ride with her. Can you update mom and if you can bring the kids. I need to see them right away." I told him, trying to find the strength I need. Those kids need me right now and I am going to be strong for them.

My family is in danger, and I let it happen. I cannot let that happen again. She needs a man to protect her at all costs. My family will come first no matter what. I need to redeem myself for my shortcomings.


"How is she doing?" Mom asked as soon as she got me from rushing through the waiting room door. The kids and Gramps were trailing behind her, worry written all over their faces.

"The doctor is in with her now." I replied, standing from my chair. My brothers and Margret came in not too long ago. We have been waiting for the doctor to tell us anything about her condition.

"They have been wanting you." Mom whispered into my ear, as she gave me a hug. "They are scared, and they need you right now."

"Come here." I told them when mom pulled away from the hug. I bent down and opened my arms for them. They all came to me, hugging me back just as tight. These kids mean the world to me.

"Daddy." Sofia cried into my shoulder, melting my heart. Knowing that she thinks of me like that, causes a little smile to form on my face. These kids need me to be strong for them and that is what I am going to do.

"Let's go sit down and wait for momma." I told them as I picked Sofia up into my arms. Noah and Emma sat on each side of me, and Sofia stayed in my arms, hugging my neck.

Look around the waiting room at my family, Mom and Gramps are sitting with Margret on one side and my brothers on the other. This is what Maddie and the kids have been missing, what they have been needing. A big family that loves and cares for them.

"Is momma going to be alright?" Sofia asked in a shaky voice.

"She will be. You know how strong she is." I told the little girl in my arms.

"I'm glad you were there for her." Emma told me, keeping her head down.

"Hey, look at me. I will always be here for her and all three of you. I am not going anywhere, I love y'all too much." I told her, hugging Sofia closer to me. "We are family now, and family do not let each other down."

"Are you going to be our dad now?" Noah asked.

"If you will let me, I want to be that." I told him, meaning every word.

"I want that too, dad." Emma replied, smiling up at me. These kids have my heart forever and I will do anything to keep their smiles on their faces. I will show them how a father treats his children. They will never have to wonder if I will be there for them or if I love them. I will let them know every day if I must.

We have been waiting in this room for over an hour. I am going crazy with worry. I need to know that she will be okay, that she is awake. I need her, I need strength that Maddie can only give me. I do not know how much longer I can wait.

"I'm hungry." Noah said from beside me. Looking around, trying to produce a solution. Looking over and catching mom's eye.

"Grayson, why don't you and your brothers take the kids to the cafeteria. I am sure they are hungry; it is time for supper."

"Come on, I am hungry too." Nate said, taking Sofia from me and hanging on to his neck.

"Y'all behave and listen to your uncles." I told them.

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