Chapter Eleven: Madison

Start from the beginning

"I am sitting in my car in front of her house. We got into an argument about me and you." I told him, as the tears were still falling. You would think I would not have any more tears left to cry.

"What did she tell you? I need to know so I can help." I could hear the worry in the tone of his voice. I told him everything that she told me.

"Maddie, I am so sorry. We will find someone to watch them, I will talk to mom this weekend. And I would never treat you or the kids the way your dad and Ethan did. I promise you."

"Thank you, Lucas."

"For what, Darlin?"

"For everything. For be here for me and always knowing what to say." I replied, knowing that I cannot express the way I feel for this man. Talking to him helps to calm me down.

"What do you have planned for the day?"

"I have to go to Walmart and pick some stuff up before the kids get out of school. After that I was going to head to your house, I really cannot face my mother right now."

"I understand, and you know if you ever did get pregnant with my child. I would never leave Maddie; I would be right there beside you. Do not let her get inside your head." The confidence in his voice tells me that he means every word.

"I know Lucas. It was not you leaving that broke me down. It was the baby comment. I am not completely healed yet with that fact." I confessed to him.

"I know, it will take time. Is Bella going with you?" he asked, changing the subject.

"No, she has something planned with her mom."

"You are going by yourself?"

"Yes, I will be fine. I am going straight to Walmart and then to your house. No pit stops or anything. I will get what I need and get out of there." I promised him.

"Okay Maddie. Call me even if it is just a feeling."

"Alright, I will see you after a while. Bye Lucas."

"See you soon, Maddie." Lucas replied, ending the call, I got settled into my seat. I have noticed that Lucas never tells me bye. It is always, see you later, or see you soon, never goodbye. I understand the meaning behind it, it is sweet of him.

The sooner I leave, the better. I do not want to be gone longer than I must be. Lucas has become part of my world, that I never want to slip through my fingers. It hurts to be away from him. I always need to be near the man.


That must be the fastest trip in Walmart that I have ever made. I got everything I needed, and I picked up a couple of snacks for tonight. After placing my bags in the trunk, I climbed behind the wheel, and locked the doors. I started up my old car and was about to put it in gear when my phone went off with a text message.

I dug through my purse till I finally found it at the bottom. Unlocking the screen and opening the message. I could not believe what my eyes were seeing. A picture of me, wearing today's outfit and inside the store. I screenshot the message and I sent it to Lucas. Putting my car in gear, backing out of the parking spot, I wasted no time leaving.

How did he find me? How did he know where I was? Has he been following me? So many questions are running through my mind. Glancing up in the rearview mirror, I noticed a car following me a little too close. It was a car parked not too far from where I was parked. Have they been following me? Am I driving too slowly? Is it Ethan?

How do I get out of this mess? I cannot outrun him. I cannot pull over, there is nothing for me to do but drive. Gripping the wheel tighter, trying not to cry.

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