Ch. 5: The Kidnapping

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You and Catnap see each other again after ten long years of you awaiting his return. You look at him and you say, "Oh, Catnap. I didn't think I'd ever see you again." You sniffle from crying. He says, "I'm back now, my Kitten."

He cups your chin and he leans in. He says, "Come here.~" You wrap your arms around him and you move in to kiss. He elongates his tail and wraps it around you. You stroke his hair and you sigh into the kiss. He tilts his head and deepens the kiss. You let out a slight little moan.

You pull away and you say, "I've missed you so much. I missed that kiss. Your touch. Your voice. I've missed YOU, Catnap.~" He strokes your face and he says, "I've missed yours as well, Kitten.~" You blush and you smile. 

He says, "I'm heading back home for now. But come here, tomorrow. Same place we're currently standing... and you'll see me here." You put your hand on his face and you say, "So long as I get to see you again, Catnap.~" 

He leans in and kisses you on the tip of your nose. He says, "This very spot. Same time, tomorrow. I know I look forward to this." You smile and you say, "My Catnap.~" He says, "My Kitten.~" 

He moves away, turns away and walks off. You sigh and you smile. You say, "My sweet, sweet Catnap. I've missed you so much, baby. I'll do anything for you. Give in to you. Even if it's... well... kidnapping me to do so." 

You're unaware that Catnap was still around and eavesdropping on what you said. He grins and whispers, "My Kitten's a smart girl. She's not lying. That's exactly my plan. I will NOT have her away from me. I love you too goddamn much, (Y/N) (L/N). I'll make sure you and I are together, forever.~" He walks off.


The next day, you're driving to the mall. Your car radio is playing 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins. You're singing along to it as you drive down the road. You sigh and you say, "Please be there, baby.~" You continue driving. 

You make it to the mall. You get in the back of Victoria's Secret where you reunited with Catnap and you get out of your car. You're behind the store and you look around. You say, "This again?" You sigh and you say, "Catnap. You don't have to hide from me, love. I..." 

You suddenly feel yourself being pulled back and you gasp. You feel a cloth over your mouth and you go, "Mmm!... Mm..." You feel faint and your eyes close. You collapse a bit and you sigh. You're unconscious now. You get picked up by a pair of arms that belong to none other than... Catnap. He grins and looks down at you as he holds you, bridal style. 

He says, "You're coming home with me, Kitten. I told you... I'll never let you go. Ever." He walks off, taking you with him. He gets to his car, puts you in the passenger seat, shuts the door, walks on the other side, gets in, starts the car and he drives off, taking you with him.


A moment later, you begin to wake up. You sit yourself up and you look to see that you're on a bed. Not your own, either. You look around to find yourself in a different room. The walls are a wooden paneling, the carpet is a forest green, etc. The window is covered with aluminum foil.

You say, "Where in the blazes am I?" You look behind you and you see pictures of you and Catnap from highschool. You say, "Wait a minute. Am I at... his place? Is this his room? It has to be if there are pictures of us hanging on the wall."

You hear this, "Welcome home, Kitten." You look over to see Catnap standing there in the doorway. He leans against it and he smiles. He says, "Oh, you're so pretty.~" You say, "C-Catnap. Did you... kidnap me?"

He grins and says, "Yes I did, baby. I did it because I love you too goddamn much to let you go." He approaches you and he sits on the bed with you. He looks at you and he says, "You and I have been separated for too long, Kitten. So long as I have you by my side as my own... I'm happy."

You say, "Catnap. Can I ask you something, darling? I won't tell anyone if it's true." He says, "Ask away." You look at him and you ask, "The incident back in highschool... Did you have anything to do with it?" He chuckles and he says, "You want the truth, Kitten?... Yes."

You say, "But why? They didn't do anything wrong." He says, "Didn't they?" You look at him. He says, "They were going to tear us apart from each other. Picky snitched on you. Betrayed your trust, baby. And you called the six of them friends. The gluttonous one, especially. I couldn't let that happen. I had to do something about it. I know Dog Day made it out, alive. Lucky dog... Remember the red smoke you saw from my breath the day you and I met?"

You say, "You used that on them, didn't you? That's how the others died." He says, "Yes... It was all for you, my Kitten. And I'll do it all again. I love you so much, (Y/N). Too much to let you go." You say, "Catnap... What you did was wrong. But I still love you, darling."

He grins and he leans in saying, "I knew you would, Kitten. I could see it in your eyes even then that you loved ME. The moment you set your eyes on me.~" You sigh and you grab his hand. You look at him and you say, "Do me a favor, love." He looks at you. 

You say, "Unless you have a damn good reason... don't kill anyone else. Okay? I love you, Catnap. You still have my support." He chuckles and he says, "You have my word, princess. Last time I killed was for you, baby. Only for you, from now on. That's my reason. Nobody will lay a single digit on you... or they will receive the red smoke." 

You say, "Just leave my mum, dad and brother out of it. They did nothing wrong. They were always kind to me and you." He says, "Your wish is my command, Kitten. And you're right... They WERE good to me. Your family shall live." You sigh and you smile saying, "Thank you."

He says, "You seem to take being kidnapped pretty well, Kitten." You say, "Because it's you, Catnap. I've missed you so much, baby. So fucking much." You feel tears developing and he notices this. 

He says, "Awe... There there, my Kitten. You've got me back... and I've got YOU back, as well. I love you, (Y/N). I kidnapped you because I can't stand to have you away from me." You put your hand on his face and you say, "It's alright, darling. Just focus on me and leave others alone." He leans in and whispers, "You have my word, Kitten.~" He kisses you and you kiss him back. 

He moves away and he says, "Get some rest. You deserve it." You sigh and you smile. You lay down and you close your eyes. He gets up and he says, "I'll get some food for you, Kitten. Don't leave the house. I'll be back." He heads out of the room and out of his house.

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