Chapter 3. The Attack Against the Bullies.

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1988, London, Shaffer Orphanage, The Kitchen

"I've almost got it, just keep holding on to -Cole! Stop it, I'm not joking!!".

The bright haired boy snickers as he regains a tight and secure hold of the wooden legs, peering up at the girl above him that clings to the very top of the ladder. His grin widens at the deadly glare he finds directed at him, the pair of eyes narrowed, and her lips pulled into a tight line as she growls at him. The skirts of her dress sweeps around when she straightens back up, standing back onto the tips of her boots carefully with her arms stretching out to the handles of the cupboard now in direct line of her hair line top her head, she wasn't at all concerned of Cole seeing anything under her dress of course as she always was sure to slip on a pair of small shorts - burrowed from the very boy below her, she was not only shorter than him but smaller which was why she spent quite a bit of time in his room searching through his draws for the smallest pair he owned. He knew that she had them just as she knew that he knew that she had them by now after assisting her with her many shenanigans that required much climbing which gave him many opportunities to take notice to them, it was no secret between the two that she had them, so you see. 1988, 7th of July was the date of her newest project, 14 months since the fire incident in the dining room had taken place, giving the orphanage more than enough time to recover with the dining room fire free and all the injured as good as new though there had been many scars left behind. Cole adjusts his right shoulder as a dull ache takes over, both from holding onto the ladder for so long and from the uncomfortable position it held in that stretches out the burns along his skin.

"Got it!"

Vinniece is clutching onto something by the time she makes her way down the ladder and back onto the safety of the kitchen's floor. An accomplished grin spreads onto her face when she shows off the item that lays on the palm of her hand, blue eyes scanning said object and its contents inside.

A very small bottle of brown and yellow liquid sloshing inside.


"Why not? I haven't even told you my idea yet".

"Its gonna go terribly."

"Oh, how could you possibly know if it will or not? Come on!"

"I said no."

"It'll be fun."

"It will be a complete disaster."

"A fun disaster"



Cole raises his arms up in defeat, puffing out his cheeks as his mouth scrunches smaller before finishing with a classic eye roll. Vinniece's pleading and sad get up drops and smirks, throwing herself at the boy and nearly succeeds in choking him with the strength behind her hug, his hands landing on her shoulders with a flinch before settling and accepting his fate. She flies from him just as fast as she had launched at him, stuffing the glass into a small worn-out shoulder purse and is soon tugging at the ladder to return it back to its place in the supposed to be locked closet just down the hall from them and the kitchen. Another pair of hands join Her's on the ladder and soon a much faster pace continues them on.

The closet was small, the smallest room of the orphanage with the biggest one being the dining room and the kitchen, the lounge room coming a close third. The only things within the room where the most common one would find when going through any other closet, a mop and bucket along with a box of old sponges and little towels that desperately needed replacing, there was even a small tub of many different cleaning liquids and plain white soaps. In short, nothing looked at all close to being usable. The two orphans hulled the ladder inside, an absolute mystery on how it could fit in the cramped space, sitting it against a wall between two stacks of funny looking tissue paper before shutting the heavy door and are quick to lock it and flee - seeing to the key's return to its place in Mrs. Finnigins headquarters, reaching just a single arm of Cole's through the doors crack and the key's string is looped onto a hook on the wall. Once done, they both take down the hall after putting a well distance from Mrs. Finnigins room and themselves, coming to a T and they separate bidding each other goodnight as they make way to their own rooms and to the warmth of their beds. Vinniece stores the bottle out of sight, shifting the frame back in place before falling onto the drawn covers of her bed, her arm spread out over her forehead whilst the other stops midair and reaching out beside her and a sleepy purr mixed with a yawn as a soft head butt with her outstretched hand, Aventurine's continued purring hypnotizes her eyes to close and drifts off.

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