The two members of Heracles familia ran straight to the woodlands, aiming to arrive as fast as they could to set up their positions.

The others, on the other hand, took different paths, maximizing their chances of finding the crown first.

They could already see some trees along the way when suddenly Thorne pushed Jogu to the side while grabbing his dagger and slashed right in front of them, cutting an arrow in half.

Jogu quickly rolled up, grabbing his short sword and getting into his stance, facing the direction where Thorne was facing.

"What is it?" Jogu asked, quickly understanding why Thorne pushed him.

"Goblins... I sense 5, or 6... Maybe more," he answered, grabbing another dagger with his off hand. "We don't have time for this; we need to move quickly."

"Agreed." Jogu nodded, stabilizing himself and crouching low, getting ready to plow through the monsters in their path.

But before he could, he felt a shift in the air. He ran towards Thorne and raised his buckler behind Thorne's head, blocking the arrow that was aimed to pierce his skull.

"It looks like we're surrounded." Jogu clicked his tongue as he stood back to back with Thorne, facing another group of monsters, this time Kabolds. "Why are there so many monsters here?"

"Yeah... This feels strange." Thorne tightened the grip on his daggers as he glared at the monsters in front of him. "But as I said, we don't have the time to waste here."

"Tell that to those fuckers then." Jogu cursed angrily.


**Kiez and Bors' Side**

"Arghhh!" Bors roared as he slammed his axe down on an incoming goblin. He then spun around and punched another in the face, forcefully pulling his axe out and slashing at the abdomen of the goblin. "Where did these fuckers come from?!"

Kiez weaved from side to side, desperately dodging the weapons aimed at him. Being level 1 didn't help. He was smart, though, placing himself between the monsters and Bors' back. "Denki did say that this area would contain monsters," he answered as he stabbed his spear forward, only to be blocked by the goblin with its wooden shield. "Shit!"

He then felt a kick at his side, sending him crawling on the ground. He saw a club falling straight at him, which he dodged by rolling to the side. He grabbed his spare knife and stabbed the goblin in the head, gushing out blood all over his body. "Fucking hell!"

"Yes, but they aren't supposed to be this aggressive!" Bors rushed beside Kiez and shoulder tackled another goblin away from the kid. He then slashed his axe upward, cutting the monster in half with one swing. "Get up and grab your weapon!"

Kiez did just that. He picked up his spear and stood behind Bors as they faced a horde of goblins, drooling as they moved slowly towards the two.


**Eira and Ozwald's Side**

The two of them ran at a steady pace, which was slow, to say the least. It was expected as Ozwald was not the most athletic in the familia. But they made steady progress towards their destination, which was the cliff on the east, offering an overview of the woodland area.

As they made their way, Eira turned towards Ozwald and whispered. "We're being watched," her hand moving towards the short sword on her side.

"Yeah, they are not necessarily hiding. Looks like Apollo familia had the same idea as us," Ozwald nodded as his staff appeared in his hand.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt