40. Cherished times ♥️

Start from the beginning

“What happened for everyone else ?” Kim asked, worries in his pupils. 

“A lot of men from the main family died…” Porchay said, letting his head rest against Kim's chest. “Your father…died too…your uncle too…” He mostly whispered. 

Kim didn’t answer. He didn’t. He looked at the ceiling. He stared at it and he felt that more emotions were moving inside than he had thought would. His father he had always hated, never loved, never waited anything from died. He thought that he finally died and yet it hurts. A lot. Kim stroke Porchay’s hair, feeling better now that he was remembering the touch he was able to get. 

“How are you…feeling?” Porchay asked. 

“I have no idea…” Kim said, and he kissed his boyfriend’s forehead. “But I don't care.”

“You can care…P'Kim…I felt your body twitch when I told you…but it's okay, we don’t need to think about it now, right?” He raised his head and smiled brightly. Kim just nodded. He nodded and he felt so much better. Porchay was here. He wasn’t alone. Kim tightened their hugs, breathing loudly. “Everyone else is doing okay…don’t worry.” 

Kim nodded. He had guessed because Porchay wasn’t showing any signs of despair. “Chay…I want us to go on our first date.”

“P'Kim, we already had dates.” Porchay answered, sitting up. 

“No. I meant a real one. Where we both know who we are, where I will be true to what I feel…I want to do our first totally honest date…without any menace, danger…there will still have some…I am sorry that I can’t offer you a peaceful life…but a date, at least a real date doesn’t look too difficult to try…even if-” Kim was losing his confidence at each word  realising that he couldn’t truthfully promise anything. It would always depend on other people,  other elements, a lot he wouldn’t be always able to dodge. 

Porchay squeezed Kim's hand which was on his cheek. He moved it to his lips and kissed that skin. 

He deeply felt the evanescence of that presence and yet, he would never want it to disappear. Never. He was conscious that the prettiest was always the most fragile but if he had to danse the waltz near the void, the menace of falling shining above him alone or around them, he wouldn’t fall. He would move his steps carefully because he would be with Kim. He would.

“That's not my hand…that you should kiss…” Kim murmured.

“You-” Porchay giggled. “You might be…right.” He added poking his nose. 

From the high landscape of his worries, Porchay melted, melted towards the ground of the reassurung presence of his lover. He didn’t mind if one day, this fall would kill him, he didn’t mind because he cherished this Kim way too much to be worried of the thorns surrounding him.

And when he bent down enough. When it fell. When his body reached those lips, he was certain of his decision.

Kim immediately smiled in this touch, his hands travelling through Porchay’s back. He didn’t want to leave those lips, he didn’t want at all and he moved with passion their body together as if it was their last day, as if the end of the world could wait when they were in each other's embrace.

Porchay pulled out, breathless. He looked mesmerized, he felt like exploding from happiness. 

“I don't know…what’s stopping me from devouring you…” Kim genuinely said making Porchay blush hard. He mostly panicked and got out the only words able to break the tension between them.

“Tankhun…” Kim stared at him clueless. “We need to tell him that you are awake…”

Kim just nodded. He got an amused grin. This date surely would be funny. 

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now