Not knowing what to say next, I chose to just stay silent. It seemed much better than just speaking my mind because it won't frustrate Whiskey.

"Besides, sugar," he said in a calmer tone of voice. "I'd do just about anything to protect you, even if you walk head-first into a pit of fire. I'm gonna protect you no matter what. You know why? Because I love you! I love you more than anythin', sugar. And if that means holding your hand as you dive deep into hellfire, then I'm comin' with ya."

"You love me even though I give you a hard time?" I asked mournfully.

He used his index finger to raise my chin gently, so I could look directly into his eyes. "I love you no matter what, sugar," he responded. "I ain't gonna stop loving you. Not now. Not ever."

"Really?" I asked.

He brought my face toward him, placing a soft kiss on my lips. It was enough for me to know that he was entirely serious and that he still loved me despite the arguments we have.

"Really," he said quietly and simply.

Damn, Whiskey! You sure know how to make a girl blush. Sure, we may have arguments here and there, but deep down, I love him very, very much. And I'm sure he loves me very much in return. If I could spend the rest of my life with him, I would, but who knows? That conversation would probably have to wait until the right time. Who knows when that will be...

* * * * * *

Eventually, Whiskey and I arrived in downtown Denver, with most of the drive being completely silent. I was afraid of striking another one of Whiskey's nerves, while Whiskey might be convinced that I was very much pissed off. Pissed off at him. In truth, I wasn't even pissed off. Rather, I was pissed off at Balor. I have been for a long time now. He killed all these innocent people in an effort to achieve his frivolous goal of global genocide and achieving power.

He thinks he's completely in the right. But...he isn't.

That sick son-of-a-bitch thinks he's doing right in the world, but he really isn't. He's killing innocent people in order to fight for his goal. His dark, morbid goal that I believe is complete bullshit. It's bullshit to think that killing innocent people to achieve a goal of gaining power over the world is right. Balor is definitely long off his rocker, considering he let his mind become clouded with such dark thoughts that even the most ruthless of people can't even stomach.

You see, the villains—all the villains in the world—seem to have a heart. A heart of gold that's mostly tainted with the blackest shadows known to man. But sometimes, those villains are so evil that their hearts are nothing but black. They're so evil that anything good they try to do won't redeem them. They won't be able to drag themselves out of the darkest depths of Hell because they've done so many dark deeds that they dug themselves into a deep, deep hole.

That's what Balor has done to himself.

He clearly established himself as a cold, ruthless monster who cares about nothing and nobody. He only cares about himself and his personal yet dark gains. He doesn't care how he goes about it, even resorting to murder and genocide to achieve his personal goals. I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

Balor is the evilest, cruelest person I have ever met.

And there is nothing in this world that can convince me otherwise. Balor Devlin is the most ruthless, coldest, most inhumanely disgusting monster I've ever had to fight, and all hopes of trying to convince that he isn't are completely dashed. They're bullshit, if you ask me. Those who are trying to redeem Balor as determined to achieve his goals are full of bullshit. They don't know the full story.

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