Along the way, he received the attention of countless Xie employees, and some even secretly took photos with their mobile phones.

Thanks to the variety show's clothes, the two of them have developed into a couple with a high national popularity.

Not to mention that Xie Yan Chi can be regarded as a shareholder of Xie's shares.

As soon as the two got off the elevator, the gossipy employees met and began to make up various versions of the story.

Among them, the most recognized is - "Under the pressure of the family, Xie Ershao was forced to break up and marry other celebrities."

Qin Yu Jue was threatened, and Xie Ershao learned that he had come to protect his wife, and he was angry at the crown. "

Otherwise, rumors spread extremely quickly.

Immediately, there was a melon owner breaking the news on a well-known forum:

[A pair of CPs who have been particularly well-known recently will break up due to family pressure, after all, they are not people in a circle. 】

Soon someone decoded it.

Rumors that the two were going to break up quickly began to spread.

"I feel like they're in love, but I'm not surprised if they break up...... After all, it is impossible for the Xie family to be with a star in the end. "

"Please don't spread rumors, have you all forgotten that Xie Yan Chi's father also showed his face on the show, I feel that he likes Qin Yu Jue very much."

"To be honest, I may have thought it was a rumor before, but now there are still people who haven't heard of the mess within the Xie family? I feel that in order to stabilize the morale of the military, Xie Yan Chi's marriage is the most suitable choice, after all, the sky has changed. "

Although these melons only spread in a small area, they still caused quite a stir.

Right now, there are only two people in the elevator.

The atmosphere was surprisingly oppressive.

She met with He Huai Qing just now, and she was very conscious of not disturbing the two, and instructed: "Don't talk for too long, you have to go to the crew at three o'clock for a make-up shooting."

Then they went downstairs from the other side, giving them time to be alone.

Qin Yu Jue opened his mouth to break the silence: "Don't you want to know what he said to me?"

The elevator doors open.

Xie Yan Chi held Qin Yu Jue's hand and never let go.

He didn't answer her question, just walked forward in silence.

People who came and went subconsciously focused their eyes on the two of them, covering their mouths and hinting in surprise to their companions to look.

There are excited, there are those who eat melons, and there are those who have the attitude of watching a good show.

They are the only ones who turn a blind eye to the gaze around them.

It wasn't until he was about to reach the door that Xie Yan Chi suddenly paused, turned his head to look at her, and said, "I only care that he can let you come here."

"It's because—"

"Qin Yu Jue, I'm not asking why you're here."

Xie Yan Chi interrupted lightly, "If Xie He Chen wants to, he has a thousand ways to force you to come to see him. "

Scandal Lover ❣️ [Requested] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin