The Citadel's attractions

Start from the beginning

Upon entering the next room, they were in a very stark contrast. They walked in from a room that was quiet, tranquil, unnaturally calm, into a room with images and videos, animations and drawings.

"What the.....did we miss something?" Kaiden asked, confused, as he went through door, before walking back in, seeing if there was any other way.

The first was a series of images, and holograms, "The Anarchy" was over a set of screnes.

"That.....looks suspiciously like Judge Dredd." Ashley said.

Two Turians were over by the exhibit, one looking at a model of a Lawgiver.

"Ummmmm, what's with the judge dredd shrine in a museum?" Shepard asked.

"Oh. This is from the Turian Ark. We were told of the story of later days of the Gaian Civilization. After the Third World War, the world was devastated, and the Mega Cities were the last Bastions of humanity. The fact that everyone was tightly packed, it was only inevitable crime would get bad, so, the only logical course was the Judge Program." the turian said.

"Up until the Veterans Uprising and the restoration of the earth." the other turian said.

"The veteran what now?!" Ashley asked.

The turians pointed down the way a bit and the trio walked in, seeing a statue of a human in a military uniform, with an AC556k rifle that got married to an Ithica M37 shotgun. Looking down, they saw screens showing images of soldiers fighting massive bugs in a canyon like area.

"Is this...." Kaiden began.

"Bug attack on Outpost 8." Ashley said.

The two guys looked at her, wondering why she knew about a military spoof movie from over around 200 years ago.

"You got to be kidding me. What is up with this. They think a movie that arguably was just CGI and excessive blood and guts for mindless action. Why do they think this is history? Did the Gaians have some ability to pirate movies across dimensions? Why is this here?!" She shouted, before the two turians turned to look at Ashley.

"She must be one of those "It was a plague" people" one said.

"Or a "end of the gods, hide in a tree and restart the cycle" ones." the other joked.

Ashley turned to look at them.

"You know none of this was real, right?" She asked them.

"Yeah, the movie was propoganda. But the Chronicles show a more accurate version of the war." one said.

"Exactly, it's all a lie- what Chronicles?" Ashley asked, confused.

"The chronicles of the Roughnecks. They are more accurate, from a field reporter. They would be more accurate to the events of the war." the turian said.

Ashley would click a button on her helmet, closing it and turning off her comms, before a muffled scream was heard from inside of helmet, along with enough curses that it could fill a book. As the helmet came off, Ashley walked away.

"I'm leaving for a bar. I have the Normandy's dock as my drop off a location incase I can not make it back on my own." Ashley said.

As they reached the giftshop, Kaiden and Shepard looked at the various items, before Shepard picked up a small book, one that was titled "The Gaian world as it was known."


Ashley had reached an entertainment district. She found a Bar/Club called "Chaldea". Upon entering, she was caught off guard, several people wore exagerated clothes, armors and had hair that was only describable as Anime like.

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