"Aw man, the freeway's almost done. This is bad. Hide." Mordecai and Rigby hide from the two construction workers. "That was too close." He said. "What are we gonna do?" Rigby asked. "It's not too late. Come on, we can still fix this." Mordecai said. "But the space time thingy's busted." Rigby said. "We don't need it. Do you still have the document?" Rigby takes out the document that is in the file he's carrying. "We need some help, we have to find Skips." Mordecai said. They go to Skips' garage, which is now barricaded, and Mordecai knocks at the door. "Skips!" He knocks again.

"Skips?!" He shouted. Rigby wipes the window. "Skips!" They look inside the garage, seeing that it's all dark and full of trash. "It's hopeless, dude. He's gone." Mordecai said. "What now? We can't pull this off without Skips." Rigby said. "There has to be a way." Mordecai looks down. "Huh?" He picks up a card that says "Skips' Place Auto Body" "Hmm, hmm." The duo said. They now go to Skips' Place, Body and Oil Transmission. Mordecai talks to a pair of legs working under a car. "Hey man, you know where we can find Skips?" Mordecai asked. "I'm Skips. Who's askin'?" Skips asked. "Skips!" The duo said.

"Yeah. Who are you?" Skips asked. "Dude, it's us, Mordecai and Rigby. You have to help us, Skips!" Mordecai said. "I don't know you." Skips said. The duo look at each other in panic. "Dude, he's been brainwashed." Rigby said. "Remember, we were co-workers at the park."  Mordecai said. "Nah, I never worked at any park." Skips said. "Do you remember that evil bearded guy? He must have scrambled your brain. He was gonna scramble our brains, too, but we escaped through a hole in space time." Rigby makes a time traveling sound. "We think about two months has past since then, now he's building a freeway on the park, our park." Mordecai said.

"You got to help us stop him." Rigby said. "Exit 9B is gonna make a huge difference in people's lives. How else are people gonna get from South I-85 to Southwest 85B? You need some help with your car, I'm your guy. Otherwise, get out of here." Skips said. "That's not the Skips we know!" Rigby shouted. Skips looms over Rigby. "I don't know you!" He shouted. "Skips, you're in there somewhere, snap out of it!" Rigby shouted.

He slaps Skips in the face. Skips roars in anger before pinning both Mordecai and Rigby up against the wall by their necks, choking them in a fit of rage. "What's your game?!" Skips demanded. "You gotta remember, Skips!" Mordecai chokes out. "Who do you work for?!" Skips demanded. "Well," Mordecai gags. "Technically, you're one of our bosses? Ugh..." he said. "You lie!" Skips shouted. "Wait, we know why your name is Skips! Remember the only woman you ever loved?!" Rigby asked in panic. Skips' eyes widen as he flashes back to memories from "Diary", "The Power", "Death Punchies", "This Is My Jam", "Over the Top" and "Skips Strikes".

No longer brainwashed, he lets go of Mordecai and Rigby, who fall to the ground coughing and gasping for air. "Skips?" Mordecai asked. He breathes heavily for a moment before regaining his composure. He turns to Mordecai and Rigby. "Tell me everything." He said. Skips and Rigby sit, Mordecai faces back and forth, attempting to comprehend the current situation. "That bearded guy tried to take out the park out for months, but then he took it by force. And we're the only ones left who can take it back." He said. "Uh, do we have a plan?" Skips asked. "Rigby, show him the document." Mordecai said, and he does. "Bam! It declares the park a historical landmark. We just need everybody that worked at the park to sign it, then it will be against the law to build Exit 9B, decreed from City Hall, yo!" He said. "Easier said then done. If that bearded guy gave you a new identity to hide you, then there's no telling where everyone else is." Mordecai said.

"I know where we can find out." Skips said. The trio are now at the park. "Get down." Skips sees that the coast is clear. "Go, go!" The trio make it into the office, where they start rifling through files. "There's gotta be thousands of these things." Rigby said. "Is this what we're looking for?" Mordecai asked. Skips looks at the file that Mordecai found to see it shows all of the park worker's definitions. "Yeah, this is it. It's a case of everybody's new identities." The file shows a picture of Benson in his new identity with his arms up and seems to look angry. "Looks here like Benson's the only one who still works at the park." Skips said. GBF Jr tries to open the door.

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