Died and Reincarnated into the World of Pokémon

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In the present, on a sunny day, Yahiko was walking down the street after getting stuff from the groceries.

"Looks like I got everything I need." Yahiko smiled. "After I put the stuff away, it will be time to meet up with one of my friends at a restaurant." He then arrived at his house and put the groceries away. He then looked at the time and left the house.


~At the Restaurant~

Yahiko arrived at the restaurant and saw his friend, Hiro, there too. He was sitting at the table, waiting for him.

"Hiro!" Yahiko called out to him. Hiro turned and smiled when he saw him.

"Yahiko." Hiro smiled as Yahiko sat in front of him. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Just went to the store and got some groceries." Yahiko smiled. "What about you? What you been up to?"

"Nothing much. Just going over a project for my class." Hiro said.

"I see." Yahiko said. They ordered their stuff and ate their food. Once they're done and paid the bill, they left the restaurant.


~On the sidewalk~

Yahiko and Hiro were walking down the sidewalk, having a conversation. 

"Hey, Hiro. Do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched?" Yahiko asked, getting a bad feeling and shivering.

"Huh? No." Hiro said. "Why you ask that?"

"I don't know. I just have a bad feeling." Yahiko murmured.

"Don't worry. I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen." Hiro assured him as Yahiko nodded. While they were having a pleasant talk, Yahiko saw someone heading straight towards them with a knife in his hand. He's aiming at Hiro!

"HIRO, LOOK OUT!!!" Yahiko screamed, pushing Hiro out of the way. He gets stabbed in the street instead by the man with a knife. Luckily, Hiro was safe because he had pushed him to safety. 

"YAHIKO!!!" Hiro screamed in horror as he saw Yahiko get stabbed and fell to the ground. He turned to the man and was shocked that it was the same man that was stalking Yahiko, Daimon! "Daimon! I should have known that it would be you when Yahiko said he was being watched! Haven't you caused Yahiko enough trouble!?" Hiro demanded, glaring at Daimon.

"Well, you should know that I would never give up on Yahiko." Daimon smirked. "I was aiming to kill you, but Yahiko got in the way. Actually, this one is so much better." Hiro glared at him in hatred.

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