68 : The Scene And Herd

Start from the beginning

After finding everything that the Doctor needed, he and EJ carried it all through to a separate room inside of the theatre, a disused stage. They set up the lighting, directly above where the Doctor had positioned himself on the flooring, lying on his stomach, pulling the jellyfish-like creature out of his coat pocket.

"That's it," The Doctor began to clip wires to its skin. "Just need to heat you up..."

"I'm washing that coat as soon as we get back to the Tardis." EJ remarked, flicking on the switch. "It's incredibly gross."

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad." He pouted, eyes large.

"It smells." The Thompson boy deadpanned. "And I'm not going anywhere need you until its been cleaned."


EJ nodded his head in agreement. "Nowhere."

"Then I'll have to find someone else willing to kiss me." The Doctor wiggled his eyebrows, teasingly, and a scowl crossed the black haired boys face.

EJ crouched down beside the Doctor, keeping their levels ever so slightly different, so that when the Time Lord looked at him, he looked up through his eyelashes. It was an ego thing, mainly, though the Doctor did look pretty...

"You're beautiful." EJ whispered, their noses almost touching. "But I know you know that already."

The Doctor was completely enraptured by the Thompson boy, and shifted his position, dropping the creature from his fingertips for a moment. "Mmm."

"Ah ah ah." He tutted, pushing the Doctor back to the ground, long fingers wrapped around the red tie he wore. A sly smile crossed his face. "If you find someone else, anyone else, then there will be... repercussions."

There seemed to be some amusement in his face. "Will there?"

"I haven't decided if they're good or bad yet." EJ raised his eyebrow, almost menacingly, enjoying his position above the Doctor. "And wouldn't you just like to know."

"I'd like you to kiss me." He replied, much more confident this time.

"Would you?"

"Or I could kiss you." The Doctor offered.

"Or..." EJ suggested, seductively. "You could find out where that thing is from? Like we're supposed to be doing."

The Doctor sighed and rolled back onto his stomach, ready to take the creature in his hands once more. It was fun watching him be nerdy, especially when he was interested in what he was doing. EJ saw how he moulded the flesh in his fingers, checking the consistency and thickness, and took complete joy in it.

"This is artificial!" The Doctor exclaimed, quietly, after a short time. He flicked a button on the sonic, and it made a zipping noise. "Genetically engineered! Whoever this is- ooh, you're clever!"

"Not like you to compliment someone before you know who they are." The Thompson boy observed. "You were a prick to me when we first met."

"Yeah, sorry about that." He apologised as he pulled out the stethoscope, and listened to the flesh of the creature. The, he hummed. "Fundamental DNA type 467-989..."

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