5 • The Storm

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As the salvage crew endured another day aboard the ghost ship, the lack of discoveries or developments only fueled their unease.

Unbeknownst to Blackwood and Gray, whispers circulated among the crew, their voices hushed but laced with concern and suspicion. They couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that they were being kept in the dark about something to do with their situation.

Nightfall descended again, and fatigue weighed heavily on the crew's shoulders. Hunger began to gnaw at their stomachs. They were becoming suspicious about why they hadn't returned to their boat yet for food and rest, as was the initial plan.

Miguél Garcia, driven by frustration and fear, reached his breaking point. In a heated exchange with Blackwood, he demanded answers about the boat, his voice tinged with anger and desperation. As he looked over the ship's side and realised the boat was nowhere to be seen, his blood ran cold with dread and pure anger.

His fury erupted into violence as he lashed out at her, pushing her chest forcefully and sending her staggering backwards. Gray, witnessing the altercation, moved swiftly to intervene, his instincts honed by years of combat experience. With a swift punch to Garcia's face, he subdued the enraged crew member, forcing him to back down.

But Garcia's accusation hung like a thunderclap, echoing through the tense silence that followed. "She fucking knew the boat was gone! Why the fuck didn't you tell us?!"

Grace, struggling to regain her composure, met the accusing gazes of her crew with a mixture of guilt and defiance. Her mind raced with explanations and excuses, but she knew that the truth couldn't be concealed any longer.

The storm rising within the crew now mirrored the tempest brewing on the horizon as they grappled with the harsh reality of their situation and their captain's betrayal.
As the wind howled and the waves crashed against the ship's hull, they braced themselves for another turbulent night.

The storm was approaching with relentless force, and the ship's crew watched with growing apprehension, their faces etched with worry as they braced themselves for the impending deluge. The vast expanse of the ocean seemed to swallow them whole, the grey clouds billowing overhead like an ominous warning.

A sheet of pouring rain descended upon them, obscuring their vision and drenching them to the bone within moments. The crew, powerless to escape the storm's wrath, could only watch in dread as the waves rose higher and higher, crashing against the sides, threatening to tip the vessel and drown them.

In a momentary decision born of necessity, Blackwood ordered the crew to retreat inside the ship, seeking refuge from the raging storm. With a sense of urgency, they hurried through the corridors, their footsteps echoing against the metal floors as they sought shelter from the howling winds and pounding rain.

The ship groaned and creaked eerily under the strain of the tumultuous waves. The crew huddled together in one of the cabins.
The air was thick with tension and apprehension as the crew reeled from the betrayal.

Inside the cramped cabin, they awaited Blackwood's explanation, their expressions a mixture of frustration and confusion.

Blackwood sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping with the burden she carried. She knew she owed them an apology, no matter how difficult it might be to explain.

"You already know that the coast guards sent us here because of a report made by fishermen about this ship," she began, her voice strained. "We were sent here to investigate it and salvage anything or anybody we could find."

Her gaze fell to her lap, fingers fidgeting nervously with the hem of her life jacket as she continued.
"As for the boat, I only realised it was gone yesterday. I told Gray first because I thought together we could think of a solution. But the problem is, there's no way of communicating with the lifeguards or anyone out here unless we somehow come across another boat, which is unlikely."

Frustration boiled over as Patel voiced their collective concerns. "So what do we do now? We're going to starve to death," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with desperation.

Blackwood's heart sank as she looked into the eyes of her crew, seeing the fear and uncertainty mirrored in their expressions. "I thought we could handle this together as a team, and it would be a quick and painless mission, that we'd be back on our boat heading back to shore in no time. But I was wrong; I admit that now. I was very wrong. And I'm sorry."

Her voice cracked as tears welled up in her eyes, her composure crumbling under the weight of her guilt. Gray shuffled over to her side, wrapping her in a gentle embrace as she sobbed quietly into his chest.

The crew sat in stunned silence, grappling with a whirlwind of emotions as they processed Blackwood's confession. Shock, annoyance, and sympathy mingled together in the cramped confines of the cabin, leaving an unspoken understanding among them that they would need to rely on each other if they were to have any hope of surviving the ordeal ahead.

Suddenly, Patel spoke again, his voice unsteady but containing a hint of hope as he told them of an idea he'd had.

"I guess I could try to look at the comms room. If I could somehow fix the hardware, we might have a chance to send a message to the Coast Guard. It's improbable, and if it's too rusted, I won't be able to fix it, but it's better than nothing. You're lucky I brought my equipment on here before the boat disappeared," Patel suggested.

The crew exchanged hopeful glances, a spark of optimism at the prospect of a potential lifeline. Blackwood peered up at him, her eyes glistening. She nodded in agreement, her voice steady as she spoke. "Do whatever you can, Patel. We're all counting on you."

As he gathered his equipment and prepared to embark on his mission in the comms room, the crew felt a renewed sense of purpose. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, they refused to succumb to despair. With Patel's technical expertise and determination, they clung to the hope that they might yet find a way to reach out for help and navigate their way through the storm of uncertainty that lay ahead.


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