A jet full of dumb fucks

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Nikki's POV

This is like a fucking Deja Vue... again.

I'm on the fucking plane again to rescue a chick. We should seriously consider renaming the Mötley jet.
Maybe we should call it 'Knights in shining armor' jet? Or 'superhero' jet? Or just 'Dumb fucks falling in love with the wrong girl' jet?
Hah! Wouldn't that make a good name?

This jet is seriously taking Slash to hell. This is it, bro. You're fucked.
Just like Izzy and me.
We got this jet to rescue our girls and now look at us: Izzy is a pathetic fucker, trying to play house. And I'm not even able to get a ring on my girl's finger for fuck's sake.

Yeah, I'm fucking jealous. Sue me. That guy has a beautiful wife and an adoring little girl. Why the fuck is he always that miserable?
To be honest: I was stoked to get out of the house and on this trip.

Couldn't wait for us to leave because every fucking time I say a word to Amy, she's throwing shit at me. I really wonder why she hasn't left me. Fuck, I just don't get that chick but she's all I ever think about.

I take a look at my companions:
Slash is sitting beside me, brooding.
Meaning: he's pulling the strings on his guitar, playing depressing songs like 'wish you were here' or 'the river'.

Seriously, if he's going to keep playing that shit, I'm gonna jump off that fucking plane before we reach Europe.
Izzy is sitting in front of me with a mixed expression of anger and annoyance. He's chain smoking, as usual, mostly eyeing me in silence.
But I know exactly what this means: That fucker would like to strangle me.

I'm not sure which of these two is concerning me the most. But if I think about it again, maybe I'm fucking lucky and Izzy is going to kill me before my ears begin to bleed.

"I can't believe you fucking hijacked me." Izzy says, dumping his cigarette into the overloaded ashtray in front of him.

"Hijacked? You stepped on the plane on your own fucking feet, asshole." I huff. "It's not like we roofied you or something."

His head snaps up and for the first time I think Izzy is going to lose his cool.

"You fucking blackmailed me into this. Same thing, Sixx. I'm here against my will." He snarls.

I can't help a chuckle. Is he trying to intimidate me or something?

"Hey, bro. It's not my fault you fucking owe me." I say, attaching the widest fucking smile I have.

Izzy coughs as he lights another cigarette.

"Owe you? You fucking serious? I already made up for that when you dragged me out to Lafayette."

"I don't think that settled saving your fucking life or for saving MJ."

I grin. "And I helped to get your little girl into this world, too."

I can see Izzy grinding his teeth.

"Because of you we ended up in fucking jail, Sixx. That score is settled."

"As I remember things, it was totally Axl's fault we ended up in jail."

I snicker. "Come on, we had a great fucking time! Bros bonding and shit."

Izzy just stares at me for a while, dragging on his cigarette.

"Why are you always sulking Izzy? You're a filthy rich rock star with a beautiful wife and daughter," I say and watch as he exhales and stares out the plane window.

"I wouldn't expect you to get it Nikki," he says in a dry flat voice.

"By all means then, explain it to me."

His eyes still peer out of the plane window. "I got an eye exam a while back. I kept getting blurry vision from time to time. I almost wrecked in my car one day because of it. Nizzy was in the cat with me. MJ made me go get checked out. They told me it was damage from strobe lights on the stage. Now I wear contacts. That's why I always wear shades onstage now. But that's not all. I've lost 8% of my hearing from the stage too."

"So your miserable over some petty medical shit? Fuck we all make that sacrifice," I huff.

"Nikki that's nowhere near everything. The fucking groupies are all over me, grabbing my ass or dick, sticking tongues down my throat or in my ear... And they do this shit right in front of MJ. You think I want my wife seeing that shit? She says she understands, but I hate that shit. I fucking love my wife and those sluts disgust me. Then there's the fact that all my friends are users and alcoholics. I'm watching them die and I can't do shit to save them..."

I sit there in his silence a moment and absorb what he was saying. I guess I had been too into Amy to notice what went on past her. But Izzy was right. "Hey, you think maybe that's why Amy won't marry me?"

Izzy drags from his cigarette and looks at me. "It's crossed her mind probably. But personally I think it's all the crazy, wrongly timed, and elaborate ways you keep asking her."

"Fuck every time I try to talk to her about it she throws shit at me."

Izzy smiles softly, "Then stop trying. Just let it happen. Just love her. Show her and tell her, she's not something to own. She's someone who chooses you with no strings attached. The one who loves you no matter what and makes you a better you. She loves you Nikki, she's just scared of the life we live. She needs time to make sure you don't get sucked back into it. Just back off her man. Ask her when it's just the two of you, with a ring. Do it when it's special."

I swear, sometimes Izzy is like the fucking Dalai Lama. Just when you think you don't get the fucker, he comes up with some serious life changing shit. I have no clue how he does it. But apparently he knows Amy better than I am.

Even though I'm grateful, it pisses me off.
But before I can add a snarky comment, Slash decides to join the conversation.

"Hey, dude. You think Ashley would even consider marrying me? I mean, she would have much more trouble with our life than Amy, right?"

My head snaps toward Slash.

"Where the fuck does that come from, dude?"

Is he seriously thinking about marriage? Hell, he's even more fucked than I thought.

"Don't know, man. Just thinking..." He shrugs.

I look at Izzy. Even he seems a little surprised.

"Dude, I'm good flying around the world to play cupid once more. But marriage? Did you think about this? Man, have you even banged the chick yet?"

If I didn't know better, I'd think the fucker is strung out as fuck. But Yakinamundo took care of that for sure.

Karma's Happenstance Part 3 (Slash/OC - Nikki Sixx - Guns n Roses)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt