Two sides of the track

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Slash's POV

These hotel hostesses are annoying bitches.
Guys like me are treated like shit until we take out our credit cards.
It's a totally different story then.

I don't know how in fucking hell I even got one. Must have gotten it from someone at the management.
Sometimes these fuckers are pretty useful.
Most of the time they are just fucking annoying. Just one more important thing to have to keep up with or worry about being lost or stolen.

I'm about to tell the hostess chick she can go fuck herself, because I'm not willing to wait any longer, when that civic organization chick finally shows up.

About fucking time. This shit is cutting into my drinking time. She's around fifty and uptight as fuck. But she still has a rocking body. I'd fuck her.

She extents her hand to me, "Thank you for coming, Mr. ... Uhm... Slash? Uh... Hudson?"

"Yeah, just Slash is fine." I mumble. This shit is getting worse by the minute.

She gives me a smile that is so fucking fake, I almost cringe. You don't fucking want me here? Yeah, it's not like I chose to do this shit. We all have to do shit we don't want to here babe.

"Would you please follow me to our meeting room?" She turns, expecting me to follow.

I bent down to grab my guitar case and my gaze finds the blonde chick, which almost ran me over, sitting in one of the lounge chairs.
Fucking give me a break, that chick is a hotti.

Even how she fidgeted her conservative skirt and how she wrinkled her perfectly shaped nose at me earlier. Now she's staring at me and I can't help to smirk at her.

Too bad I need to go to that meeting. She really is cute with her sandy beige hair all pulled back in some weird hair thing. She's really rocking this teacher look.
In any other situation I'd tried to get into her pants right now. She could probably use a good rock star fuck.

"Your entourage is already here." The old chick snaps me out of my thoughts and I follow her towards the meeting room.

Wait, what?

"Entourage?" I ask stupidly. Is she fucking kidding me? Who in hell says shit like that?
She stops at a door and turns with another fake smile.

"Your friends are already here." She says as she opens the door to the meeting room, revealing Izzy, Duff, Nikki and Tommy sitting at a big table.
I can't help the smile on my face. However these fuckers ended up here, I'm really relieved I don't need to do this shit all by myself.

And it delights me to see that they look as miserable as I do.

Ashley's POV

It feels like I'm already waiting for ages when Mrs. Johnson finally shows up.
But before she even lays eyes on me, she greets that weird guy with the curly hair.

I take another look at that guy. He's tall and lean and I can't help admiring his beautiful lips. They are full and sexy.
Even through his worn out appearance, he looks quite handsome.
For a homeless person.

I wonder if he's somehow involved in another charity project and if Mrs. Johnson is helping him?
He grins at me and I blush for a second. God, he just caught me
staring at him.

Embarrassed being caught like that, I look away and busy myself with straightening my skirt.
When I look back up again, Mrs. Johnson is on her way over to me and I stand up.

"Miss Benson!" She walks up to me, extending her hand. "Thank you so much for coming. I'm so grateful you're volunteering for this project. It was really hard to find someone. Everyone is so busy with the upcoming fashion show right now."

Karma's Happenstance Part 3 (Slash/OC - Nikki Sixx - Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now