Father knows best

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Ashley's POV

"You did WHAT?" I hear the concerned voice of my older brother Graham.

"I went to a rock concert with a guitar player." I giggle into the phone, imagining my brother turning white as a sheet.

"What do you mean? Like a date?" Graham huffs.

"No. Not like a date. I mean... I don't know. I got stuck supervising him and his friends on this charity event. But it was the best non-date ever. Slash even took me to the pier. You know how much I always wanted to go there." I explain and can't help but smile when I think of it.

"Wait! You're dating Slash? That guy from Guns n Roses?" He suddenly asks in surprise. He knew how Slash was?

"I said it wasn't a date. It was kind of a business meeting. But he did kiss me. I'm kind of surprised you've ever heard of him."

"I live in San Francisco, Ash. Not on mars. And wait a minute! You kissed him?! You kissed Slash from Guns N Roses?!!! Does dad know about this? Holy shit! He's gonna flip, Ashley! You know that dad is..."

"Yeah, I know. He already met him last night." I sigh.

"Dammit, sis. What were you thinking? You know how dad is. The guy is black for god's sake, you know dad will never never approve of that. That's just outright unacceptable." he almost whispers as if he's afraid someone will hear.

"So? You're suddenly into that white pride crap, dad is preaching all the time?" I ask in an unconcerned huff.

"No... you know I'm not...but this is seriously going to break his heart." He explains.

"And you being gay isn't?" I smirk.

"Shhh... I swear I'm gonna spank your little spoiled ass when I come home," he slightly laughs. "Besides, he doesn't know and he will never know as long as my little sister keeps her big mouth shut."

"Anyway...So it's a good thing this wasn't a real date then."

"I don't believe you, sis. You kissed the guy. Damn I bet he can really kiss too."

"Wouldn't you like to know," I tease him. "Yes, he is an amazing kisser... look I should probably go. Dad is probably looking forward to more yelling at me before breakfast, after all I did bring some long haired black man onto his property last night." I frown.

"Just take my advice: Don't go there! Him being half black aside, you're not made for these kind of guys. Just stick with your kind," he calmly tried to warn me.

"Would you take that advice from me?" I huff.

He laughs, "Probably not. That Slash guy's hot. Oh the dirty things I could do to him..."

I can't help a chuckle.

"Love you, Graham."

"Love you sis." And the phone went dead.

I look up and suddenly the four walls that surround me seem a whole lot smaller. It felt like the air was being choked out of me. I know impending doom await me downstairs. My father should just shave his head and be the skinhead that rests in his soul. He was so bad that even our house maids and other staff all have to be white. He would never send us to a school other than all white. It's like he was stuck in the 50's or something. And as long as I lived under his roof... well actually with access to his money, then I had to abide by his rules, no matter how wrong I felt they were.

I get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast. There my father waits reading his morning paper over a cup of coffee. My mother sits quietly and stares out the window. Standing in the corner is a big guy in a suit with an ear piece. He looked like he was in the secret service or something. My guess is that my father has hired more security because of Slash making it to his front walkway.

My father's eyes glance at me over his newspaper. He sighs and starts to fold it. "Ashley, this is Jacob, your new security guard," he dryly says and points to the secret service guy.

"What?! You can't be serious...a security guard?!" I shout.

"Young ladies do not yell," my mother softly says just before excusing herself from the table.

I sigh, "Daddy this is ridiculous. I'm not five."

"True, but yet you act as if you were five...going off to the pier with some strange black hippie." His very tone seems to shiver at the thought of seeing Slash with me last night. Good thing he didn't know I had kissed him.

"Slash is a rock star, not some hippy," I try to explain.

He just frowns, "Same difference."

"Daddy what do you expect me to do? Mrs. Johnson has me working with him on the African Children project," I shrug.

"Now how distasteful is that Ashley? A black man trying to save black children. I think it's time you found yourself a new charity sweetheart." He says laying his newspaper down and removing his glasses.

"I can't."

"Then you had better find some way to not have to work with that man. If he comes onto this property again it will be his last. You are not to consort with him. Am I clear?" He sternly points his finger at me, daring me to disobey.

I know that all I can do is nod. I'm defeated. "Yes daddy."

Karma's Happenstance Part 3 (Slash/OC - Nikki Sixx - Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now