Chapter 2

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    The school hallway buzzed with an electric tension as I forcefully made my way through the crowd of clustered students. Whispers bounced off lockers and swirled around me like a whirlwind. All discussions centered around Ade Susan who had gotten her eye plucked out for her sins.

    In as much as I wanted to join the madness and gossip frenzy, I couldn't bring myself to do do. I am aware she was punished for her own good but it didn't feel right, sometimes, nothing about this place did but those were the laws and laws were made to be followed.

    The part that amazed me the most was that the day was half spent already and they weren't bored of talking about on particular event. This after all, was the first time in a long time that someone felled the law. I could only wonder what was going through their minds on Sunday when Ade Susan's eye was removed.

    I rolled my eyes as I wondered where Tina might be, she had gotten in trouble for talking in class and was sent to declutter the school's storeroom during break time as punishment. Break time was almost over and Tina was still nowhere to be found, which is a norm.

    I shove my lunch bag in my locker compartment and used the mirror nailed on the door of the locker as a guide to adjust the maddening wimple which was part of the school uniform, along side the long maroon gown and blazer. Of course the wearing the wimple wasn't mandatory but Father would hear none of it. His children must always be dressed accordingly whether or not it was a must. And now I was used to the lifestyle. Praise to the sons of God.

    "Hey did you see Susan after third period? I heard the girl had it hard from the seniors" Tina appeared unexpectedly by my side, her eyes wide with curiosity obviously waiting to hear the latest gossip from my lips. She'd better use that energy to hope on better things. I nodded stiffly.

    "I saw her in the girls toilet" That was true. I had gone to the girls toilet at the beginning of break time to wash my hands when I heard cries from one of the toilet cubicle. She left the moment she realized she wasn't alone. Trying in vain to hide the huge bandage crossed over her empty eye socket.

    "I heard from Lola who heard from Paula who was there with Esther when it happened. The senior boys glued a paper at her back that read sinner in capital letters. It was hilarious" She laughed. Her enthusiasm didn't drop a bit.

    "That is a mean thing to do" I slammed my locker with more force than intended. Tina seemed to think (something I wish she did often) Before nodding.

    "It's a really a mean thing to do indeed. The Vicar has punished her already according to the scriptures. Who the Son of God sets free is free indeed right?"

    The bell rang shrilly to announce the end of break time. This brought some relief to me as I anticipated my next activity.

    "We are to go to the hall" Tina said in a question-statement- matter-of-fact kind of way.

    "Yes if you are seventeen and above and if you passed the exam" I replied as we joined the crowd of moving students who were either going to their classes or like us, going to the hall for our evangelism orientation. I felt as giddy as the day I saw my name on the notice board for list of students who passed the evangelism exams last year.

    The exam was set to determine who was ready to be introduced to the outside world to win souls. Father beamed with pride that day. Mother danced and danced with Anne and Andrew who tried to match her energy. And Justus had just teased her till she swore to break his flute. That shut him up.

    Sitting amidst the buzz of students in the crowded school hall, my excitement for the orientation program ahead was palpable. This orientation was a must because this was going to be the first time any body my age would be permitted to interact with sinners in the world personally, under strict supervision of course. This was what I longed for since the day this option was made known to me. Staying in the camp sometimes proved to be boring. I wanted to taste another side of life even though I would be limited by the laws.

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