Brave New World

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"Katherine looked just like you, it was freakish" "Yeah, but like a hotter version," Vivian said, earring a disgusted look and a scoff between her sister and her friend. "Really Vivian?" "Seriously that was weird Viv"

She rolled her eyes at the girls "I didn't mean I would hook up with her. That would be weird. I just met you and her are very different" Stretching the very."Like you have things that make you attractive to people and so does Katherine" She had seen the two girls with streamers in their hands, confusion written on their faces.

"Nevermind, forget what I said" She decided to give up on trying to explain herself. "Anyways," Elena said drifting the conversation back to Bonnie's question. "I don't know, I can't explain it. It's creepy, that's all I got." Elena said shrugging, there wasn't much to say about the situation.

"How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you?" The girl was freaked out more than the two sisters were. "I don't but I could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing or I could get these prizes to the ring toss."

It was obvious Elena did not want to talk about it. So Bonnie changed the subject to something Vivian wasn't wanting to talk about at all. "Have either of you talked to Damon since the... you know, thing? the thing. The thing Bonnie is asking about is how last night Damon killed Jeremy.

"No Bonnie, And I don't plan on it. Now let's just focus on getting this carnival done." "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll focus. We have to make Caroline proud or she will kill us. I don't know how she does all of this." Bonnie said finishing with a chuckle wishing their blonde friend was there.

"Cause she's badass" Vivian smirked at the thought of her friend.


"It protects me from compulsion?" Stefan had thought it was time to get Jeremy some vervain."Vervain is toxic to vampires." "Like poison?" "Yeah, it's very poisonous. It keeps them out of your head." "Why, vervain?"

"Certain natural herbs and roots and other elements are just harmful to vampires." "Like a stake to the heart?" "Right, but it has to be wood." Jeremy chuckled looking at the bracelet "You're pretty confident in yourself telling me all the different ways I could kill you." the young Gilbert said raising an eyebrow at the vampire.

Stefan chuckled, "Jeremy, if I thought you wanted to kill me we would be having a much different conversation." "Yeah, Damon is the one that deserves it." "I want you to forget about Damon, all right? He's a hundred times stronger than you and right now he's not stable. I know it's hard forgiving him for what he did to you."

"I had my neck snapped by a vampire and was brought back by a magic ring. How do you think I can move forward from that?" Jeremy had him quiet. "Hey, Jer, did you..." Vivian had cut their conversation short. "Yeah, yeah, I set up the goldfish toss of all three hundred goldfish. It's gonna be epic!!" He rolled his eyes and left. "Well...he's a ray of sunshine," Vivian said turning to Stefan "But I guess I'll go easy on a guy who died and came back to life" Vivian lightly chuckled.

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