"Come on, Amelia. You can't keep it all inside, you know? Talk to us." Arthur said, gently nudging his sister.

"I'm fine, honestly. I'm just tired, that's all." The girl shrugged her shoulders.

"Oi, listen now. We've known you for ages, girl. You're not a good liar, so cut the crap." John said in a stern voice, looking at her.

"Well, maybe I am lying, yeah? Maybe I'm not fine, but I don't want to make a fuss over nothing, alright?" Amelia spat at her brother, growing annoyed.

"Well, maybe it ain't just nothing. You've acted off for days, girl. Are ya in pain or somethin'?" Arthur asked as the girl shook her head, sighing.

"Just a bit sick, that's all. Don't ya worry about me." She said.

"See, that's what I'm on about. You're not yourself, you're acting weird and vague. Come on now, tell us. We're family, ain't we?" John spoke, placing his arm around his sister's shoulders.

"Let it fuckin' be, would ya?" Amelia entered the Garrison without another word, walking faster to get away from her brothers as she entered the private room and sat down next to her sister-in-law. Esme smiled at her and placed a hand on her leg.

John poured beer for the group, but Amelia refused to accept it. She sat silently and did not participate in the conversation, keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself. She seemed lost in her head, trying to compose herself and process everything that had been happening. She struggled to fit in and make sense of the world, feeling like she didn't belong there and like she was a stranger in her own family. She was having a hard time being there with others, finding it difficult to relate to them and their happiness and joy.

The room filled with applause, cheers, and laughter when Polly came in with the birthday boy behind her. Michael was the center of attention, his face beaming as everyone hugged him. Amelia looked on silently, unable to join in with the rest of the group, finding it difficult to be there, watching everyone celebrate and be happy. She felt out of place and uncomfortable, her worries and troubles weighing on her shoulders, making it hard for her to enjoy herself.

"Michael." Thomas spoke, giving the boy a black box.

"What's that?" Michael asked, opening it and showing a pocket watch.

"So you're never late for work." Thomas smiled at him.

"Welcome to the business, Michael." John patted his shoulder with a smirk.

"So he's in the business now?" Amelia spoke, everyone looked at her. "Helping create a respectable business?" She scoffed, her brothers scowled at her, but she kept her head held high.

"Amelia." Esme whispered making the girl sigh.

"Welcome to the business, Michael." She said shaking her head. After that, Amelia remained quiet, unable to contribute to the conversations or join their activities. The others were busy playing poker and enjoying their night out. She was struggling to find the energy or strength to join in, but she couldn't find the words to participate, and she just sat quietly, stuck in her own world.

She refused all the drinks that were offered to her, not sure if she was going to keep the child but determined to do nothing to harm it while it was still developing inside her. She held a sense of responsibility and guilt, feeling like she had to do everything she could to protect the unborn baby, even if it meant denying herself things that she wanted. She was torn between her emotions and her desire to be a mother, feeling stuck between two equally difficult decisions.

THE DARKNESS WITHIN - Peaky BlindersWhere stories live. Discover now