Chapter 9~ [drama]

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You and the other creepypastas were just chilling as usual then you hear a knock on the door. "Jeff you can get that." Jane said. ""fine." Jeff went up to the door and opened it.. It was a police officer. "Hello we are looking for a 17 year old girl, her name is y/n." The officer said. "No she isnt here." "We dont know who that is." jeff said. "..." "We were told she was here-" "Listen I dont give a fucking shit what you were told." "But shes not here." Jeff said. "Ok." "By the way kid, Learn some manners." the officer walked off.  "Tsk ok." jeff walked away and closed the door. "Thanks for doing that jeff." I said. "Your welcome." jeff said. "Y/n why did you run away from home?" Toby asks. "Cause I had uh abusive parents." I say as tears well up in my eyes. "N-no d-dont cry pretty!" "I understand!" toby held me. I started crying on toby just thinking about how horrible they were to me. "Shh its ok." toby comforted me.  "Dont worry y/n we all know what its like to have shitty parents." Clockwork said. "Really?" I say. "Yeah!" "even toby." Nina says. "Oh." I say. "Y-yeah y/n." Toby said. "But y-your s-safe h-here." "I promise!" Toby says as he plays with my hair. After a while I fall asleep on toby. Then slenderman walked into the living room. "Toby come with me I need you." Slender man said. "W-why?" Toby said. "Mission." Slenderman said. "O-oh." "Can I bring y-y/n?" toby asked. Slenderman sighed. "Fine." he said. "Pretty do you want to come with me to the woods.?" Toby asked you softly. "Y-yes please." I said slowly waking up. I was still a f/c short sleeve shirt. It was way too cold to wear that so i put on tobys hoodie and a pair of jeans. I found in my backpack. Then once i was ready I left the house with toby and masky. 

Thats the end of this chapter! This is the second last chapter. Im so proud of you for making it too the end<: 

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