Chapter 2~[nightime at the mansion.}

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Its now very late you just got done with dinner. Now everyone was getting ready to sleep. When I I feel a tap on my shoulder. "H-hey do y-you need anywhere to sleep?" toby says his neck was twitching. "Uh yea I can take the couch." I say. "I-if its a-alright with y-you you can s-stay in me and x-x-virus's room." toby says shyly.  "Sure i can take the floor." you say "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOBY LIKES A GIRLLLLLLLLL" someone screams out. "Pl-ease dont listen t-to clockwork." Toby says. "Y-your v-very pretty but i dont like you.." toby says leading me upstairs. "This is my shared r-room." Toby says opening the door. "Why the fuck is she here?" x-virus says. "D-dont be a b-bitch." "She has nowhere else to s-sleep d-dickhead." Toby says. "Fine." X-virus says lying back down in his bed. "The floor is w-wooden, are you s-sure y-ou want to sleep t-there?" Toby says. I shake my head. "..." "You can take my b-bed." toby says. "What are you sure?" I say. "Yeah." "I-I will s-sleep w-with y-you." Toby says. Toby looks like a fucking strawberry. "Aw thank you toby!" I say. "Thats so sweet." I just need pjs now.." you say as you look in my backpack. "Shit i forgot my shirt." "I just have bike shorts." You say. As you walk to the bathroom. It was a really cold night and the current shirt I am wearing was DEFENTILY not suitable for the cold weather. But my dumbass decied to just suffer. Why? because im not asking a bunch of emo ass teenagers for a spare shirt. Especially because one of them is really cute. I walk out of the bathroom ready to freeze my ass off. Once I do walk out toby is standing there waiting for me. Toby turned around and saw me. "Y/n w-why are y-you wearing that sh-shirt?" "Its way too cold for that s-shit." toby says walking up to me. "Well i dont have anything else to wear as a shirt."  "So now im suffering." I say. "Oh ok."toby says walking back to his bed. I went into tobys bed aswell. +A FEW HOURS GO BY+ Its now really late into the night and I am  freezing. Like shaking. But I dont wanna wake up toby cause hes sleeping and he looks so comfy. So cause I could not sleep, I went and.. layed on tobys chest. Shockingly he wrapped his arm around you and gave you head pats. Which helped alot.  

Ay bro made it to the end!<3

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