"Yeah me too." He smiled. "Do you mind if I stay here? I don't want to face my family yet."

"Yeah sure, stay as long as you want. I'll call you later."


I got to Spencer's house and the girls were sitting on the kitchen.

"A sent this letter to my mom." Aria told us.

"You know it's not your fault, right? It's your dad's mistake. Totally." Emily said.

"No, it is my fault." Aria said.

"You did not hook up with her and then ask your kid to cover for you." Spence said.

"Ali said I should've told my mom right after it happened."

"Alison knew?" I asked. What am I saying? Of course she did, Ali knew everything.

"Yeah. She was with me." Replied Aria

"So Alison saw this Meredith person?" Spencer asked.

"Meredith? Her name's Meredith? Ew. That's not a cute girl name. I'm seeing big pores and mousy roots." Laughed my sister.

"Hann, I think it's a little too soon to joke." Spencer said.

"I'm sorry. But if you're gonna cheat... do it with someone who deep conditions her hair."

"Here, put something in your mouth besides your foot." Snapped Spencer.

"I'm sorry, okay? Look, all I'm saying is that when my dad left laughing sometimes helped. So did crying." Hanna suggested.

"My father hasn't left, guys. I mean, this happened over a year ago. You think he's gonna leave?"

"Look, whatever happens, we're here for you." Em said.

"Cassie what did you do when your dad left?" Aria asked me.

"Well you know what they say. What doesn't kill you gives you a set of unhealthy coping mechanisms and a very dark sense of humor." I joked, but Aria kept staring. I cleared my throat uncomfortably. "My approach was far less healthy than Hanna's. I used to party all night, get drunk and have sex with random guys." And get high, but no one needed to know that.

"Yeah I think I like Hanna's better." Aria said. "I'm sorry guys it's not just my parents. Mom texted me earlier, apparently Theo hasn't been home since he found out, mom's really worried."

"I'm sure he's okay." I felt a pang of guilt. "He's probably staying with friends, right?"

"Yeah probably."

"Thank you, guys, for staying here. I couldn't have been here alone." Spence changed the subject. I felt bad for not being there for her last night, but I don't regret it, Theo needed more.

"When's your family getting back?" My twin wondered.

"This afternoon."

"Aren't you gonna clean off the mirror?" Aria asked.

"Want me to come with?" Em asked.

"We should all go." Aria suggested.

"You know what? It doesn't take four to clean a mirror, so why don't you four go and I'll just wait here?" Hanna said.

"Fine. You can stay here alone and hope whoever broke in is long gone. Just don't forget to lock the doors." I said.

"Right. You spray. I'll wipe." Her phone rang. "Well, the creature's back. We should've never unblocked our phones." It was a video of the girls when they found the video. We opened the closet from where the video was shot and a lipstick fell out.

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