Yeah, I'm sorry. Sorry that you're a bitch, that is.

Start from the beginning

"You jinxed it, that's what." The son of Hades grumbled, looking around wildly. The conch horn blew, but by then, everyone was outside.

"Campers! There is an ambush! Head Counselors, gather your cabins and prepare for battle!" Chiron stamped his hooves, his bow and arrows in hand. 

"Where are the monsters?" Nico asked Chiron hurriedly. "We need to stop them before they get into the heart of the camp!"

"At the beach. Don't ask me how they got there, I have no clue." Their centaur mentor pointed towards the woods, where the bay was. Nico grabbed Will's hand and shadow-traveled to the beach before his boyfriend could object.

>>>Line break<<<

"This can't be." Nico breathed as he faced the army. 

"I have fully risen, demigods of Camp Half-Blood!" An eerily familiar voice cackled. "My forces will destroy you, and I will take over Olympus!" 

"Kronos." Will's voice dropped the usual optimism and cheeriness. "He's here. He's here."

"What's going on?" Annabeth appeared from the thick undergrowth of the trees. "Oh gods." 

"Over there! What the hell is that?" Nico squinted at the far-right edge of the army. Something—someone—was in bronze shackles, two monsters next to them. 

"The prisoner." Her grey eyes filled his dread as realization dawned on her. "Percy."

"Well, it took you long enough!" A cloaked figure emerged from the crowd. "At least your mother was able to guess quicker."

"Agnostos?" Jason suddenly joined them, with Piper and the Aphrodite cabin behind him. 

"Ok. I take that back; a son of Jupiter was not able to guess quicker. Oh well." For some odd reason, Nico noticed that his voice was a bit more disoriented. "I suppose we can make this work. Monsters, ATTACK!" The horde of monsters surged forward like the waves of the sea, a torrent of chaos.

"Demigods! Attack!" Annabeth shouted, jumping into action.

sorry i suck at fight scenes so prepare for some cringe

"Kronos will rule over Olympus and make you his slave, demigod!" An empousa screeched, lunging at Annabeth. She dodged quickly and plunged her dagger into its stomach and ripped it open all while ducking as a hellhound leaped at her. 

"Annabeth! Look behind you!" Piper screamed. The daughter of Athena managed to roll out of the way onto the wet sand as a manticore stinger sailed past her head. 

"Di immortales." She whispered as she glanced up. Her eyes were met with sea-green, but as much as she had seen them before, they were almost unfamiliar.

"Annabeth?" Those same, tired green eyes Annabeth used to admire looked broken and angry. 

"Percy." Memories flashed before her eyes. All those battles she had fought with him, and now he was here, that filthy traitor. 

She scanned him up and down. He wore a tattered, faded Camp Half-Blood shirt and his usual messy black hair was dusty. Celestial Bronze shackles were secured tightly onto his wrists and ankles, and there were bags underneath his eyes. But the most noticeable thing was his eyes. One of them was still the same sea-green but the was black like the pit of Tartarus.

"Gods of Olympus."

"Annabeth. I—I'm sorry—" But before he could say anything else, Annabeth put her finger on his lips. 

"Shh. I'm going to free you. You don't deserve it, but the gods need you. We all do." She picked the lock with her dagger silently, thanks to the Stoll's lessons. 

"Annabeth." He whispered as the chains fell off his hands. "I'm really sorry." She pursed her lips.

"I know you are. You should be, after everything you did to us! After everything you did to me." She glared at him. His look of sorrow suddenly turned twisted.

"Oh, that's not what I'm sorry for." He said, a sickly sweetness in his voice. "I'm sorry that you're a disgusting traitor and a bitch for believing those stupid gods of Olympus. I'm sorry that I'm going to send you to Tartarus, although I shouldn't really be. No one should experience Tartarus, and yet we did. I fell there with you, and then you listen to the one goddess that allowed you to fall in the first place. What happened to your intelligence? Probably still in the Pit." He spat as he circled her like a vulture.

"Oh, you'll regret that, bitch." She lunged at him with her dagger. He easily dodged and unsheathed his old sword. Riptide.

He laughed cruelly as he slashed her arm, making a deep cut that bled scarlet. "Miss me, Wise Girl?"

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