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(Y/N) pov

I tried to run up the hill as fast as I could, when I looked back to look for Jon. 

"Where'd he go?" I stopped dead in my tracks. "Jon?" Looking around the woods it seemed quite to quiet. Weird, I could still see the waterfall. He couldn't be to far right? I went the right way, right? 

"Boo." I felt hands on my shoulders. I jumped and almost screamed. "You look like you've seen a ghost. You okay?" 

"Oh, yeah. I just didn't see you got worried." He nodded. 

"Yeah, I've gotten used to walking in the woods must have gotten to good at it. Roads not far." We walked in almost silence, I could hear little noises of the woods, twigs, leaves and branches moving as we did. The usual forest stuff. 

"How long did it take you to learn the forest, like the little paths and spots." I asked him when we were going up a hill. 

"Oh not long, my dad showed me around mostly, I learned pretty fast. Deep spots are a little tricky sometimes." 

"That makes sense though." I said back as we reached the road. "Well this is my stop." 

"Yeah, seems so." He said putting his hands in his pockets. "Thanks for the cookies though." 

"Yeah of course, thanks for your help last night. Sorry for getting you in that situation." 

"Oh its fine really, it was coming sooner than later."

"Still shouldn't have happened, you know." 

"Hey, really its okay. It's... it's been going on for a while. He's just... I don't know." 

"You don't have to talk about its okay." 

"Aw its fine. Its been a while since he's been around." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Come on lets get you home." He said putting a hand on my lower back and walking me across the road. My teacher was right there and her eyes widened. 

"(Y/N) are you serious?! I told you and everyone-" 

"She had permission to be over there." Jon said. "Jon Gealach." He stuck out his hand for her to shake. 

"Oh, my apologies, I should have known she is such a good kid." My teacher said taking Jon's hand.

"Its okay I know how it looked." I said. 

"I've got to go, but Shes allowed over there everyone else can stay off my property." Jon said looking up at the crowd that was forming around us. "Bye (Y/N), oh I almost forgot here." He handed me a small note. He started back to his house. 

"(Y/N)." My teacher said. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." She left after that. Everyone was staring at me. I just walked past them until I was tripped. I scuffed my knee and my hand a little bit. I heard laughing, Katie. I just stood up at walked away, I could feel tears starting to fall. 

"Can't believe she's so pathetic." Katie laughed along with her friends. I opened my door and closed it an slid down it. Tears began to fall, I sat with my knees to my chest and just sat and cried. I heard a knock on the door. I stood and opened it expecting to see Riley but it was Jon. 

"Jon?" I said surprised as I quickly turned and wiped my eyes. "Why are you here?" 

"I ... I was making sure your teacher didn't give you any trouble." He spoke. "Can I come in?" 

"Ah yeah, yeah." I said stepping out of the way for him, he stepped in. "I thought you were going home." I closed the door.

"I was, but I heard some commotion and wanted to check it out. You alright?" He said looking at my knee. "You fell?" 

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