Chapter 22 | Experience Shows

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Across the battle lines! Death and chaos! Sirens flooding in! Sakura Vessels reinforcing and completely destroying the numbers advantage that the Eagles had! Beneath waters! Above waters! And atop them!!! Akagi's fleet doesn't assist in the fight against sirens! Instead preying on those trying to combat the threat's during their moments of venerability! Enterprise! Is fast to move in and begin an all-out assault against the arriving Sakura carriers! But is quickly getting pressured due to the utter number of them! Returning to Cowpens! Bismarck and Cowpens interaction seems to come to an open end. Goodbyes are spoken. Words of kindness spoken unto the fleet from Cowpens as they left with their flagship. Their flagship taking one look back unto Cowpens as he turned away and flew back into the battle! Though Bismarck had not yet fell in love with Cowpens. She did however have the desire to surround herself with him. So that she could learn to fall in love again. Though her feelings of such should have burned away after he'd became of the enemy. Her desire remained the same. Such dictated her actions. Like it had so many years ago. Launching every aircraft aboard as he flew in! Her hard to read emotions, and stone face still cracked by the emotions of the moment. Reveal to those who stare unto her, her eyes tell of the confliction of heart break and lust. Even now. Knowing the man, she saw could be the next person she would allow into her life. Was allowed into her heart. If only for a moment.

Had turned out the enemy! Her feelings remained all the same. Though clouded in a flood of confliction and roadblocks. Her face told of this subtle, but serious hints of concern for the boy's safety and potential end. Only Eugen, the woman's closest friend pays mind to the face of her Flagship, as the others talk of the bizarreness of what was heard and said by Cowpens. Only able to speculate. What kind of thoughts were flooding her friend's mind... But none the less recognizing that this woman still felt for a man, the enemy. Who had but no clear clue of it. Worrying, that perhaps the fact will drive her friend mad down the line. Or cause her to close herself, her heart, and her beings' truths to the outside world once more. Just as she did before.

---Cowpens/Midway Point Of View---

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---Cowpens/Midway Point Of View---

102 Aircraft strong!!! My planes roar so loud within unison that the battlefield! IS utterly drowned out by the thunder of my aircraft inside my ears!!! With the aircraft I had yet launched before! ALL out! In the air! And prepared to strike fast! Strike hard! And Capitalize on the confusion of Akagi's fleet not expecting another fleet carrier to arrive off from behind their lines!!! 32 Seahorse Mustangs strong!!! All loaded with 2 500LB bombs!!! 15 AM-1 Martin AM Mauler's!!! Loaded with only 14 250LB bombs along their wings EACH! 20 BTD-1 Destroyers! Loaded down with a single 1,600 lb AN-Mk 1 armored deck piercing bomb each!!! 25! SBD-3 Dauntless! Loaded down with 1   500 lb AN-M64A1 bomb + 2   100 lb AN-M30A1 bombs along the wings! Lastly The remainder of my aircraft!!! 10! SB2C-4 Helldivers!!! Loaded with one 2,216 lb Mk.13-6 Case torpedoes!!! Covering ground at the top speed of the slowest plane in the formation! Climbing slowly to 7,000 Feet before leveling off as we reached the battlefield. I close my eyes as my aircraft take up a specific formation!

The Shackles Of Affection | Male Warship | Azur LaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora