29. A worried mother. 

Start from the beginning

"May I ask who is his doctor?" Tatsuhiro asked. As he was a doctor to, and he just wanted to see for himself if his nephew was really in good hands, and also ensure his sister that as well...

"Dr. Toriyama."

Tatsuhiro heard good things about him and even ran into him a few times during a couple of the doctor conferences that he had went to over the years..

"Ok thank you..."

" if you're up for it, we're going to need you to sign some paperwork." the nurse said as she gently handed Rekka a clipboard with a few pieces of paper...

Rekka nodded and gently took the clipboard...



In the surgery room the doctor and his assistant, with a few nurses surrounded Rinji as they worked on his injuries.

Because he lost quite a bit of blood they had to do a blood transfusion with type A blood. He did not take no time at all for his doctor.... Dr. Toriyama to realize that Rinji has dextrocardia.... That means his heart is positioned on the right side of the chest instead of its normal position on the left side.

This would explain why he is still alive where the entry wound is, it would've hit his heart killing him instantly... because of this, it saved his life... They also needed to work on his lung which it was slightly punctured, but because of how more a Vance their technology is, they'll be able to fix it right up.

Now, since they have the internal damage fixed up, they're going to need to fix the massive hole in his chest and back. To fix this they're going to need to call in a healing type quirk user...

At this point Dr. Toriyama was done with his part and he needed to go and talk to the family..



Back in the waiting room Rekka had to finish up with the paperwork and she was nervously waiting. Still, her eyes were locked on to the emergency surgery double doors....

Tamami quickly made her way in and her civilian clothes to meet up with the rest of her family... everyone noticed a blond headed skinny man that came in behind her...

"Toshinori..." Rekka said realizing it was her brother-in-law...

"Rekka... I came as soon as I heard sorry it took me so long..." he said, making his way to her as he held her hand...

" I knew it would've been better to stay in this form instead of my muscle form I probably would've got here sooner if I was in my muscle form but I know I would have gotten unwanted attention..."

"Its ok I'm glad that you came like this. Thank you for coming."

"Of course he's my nephew..."

Everyone in the Akagi Family knew about All Might's condition. Rekka made sure before she left Japan with her son that she let her family know what was going on.. all of them promise to keep it a secret.

Finally, as all of them were talking Rinji's doctor came in.

"Are all of you Yagi Rinji's Family?"

"Yes!! I'm his mother is he OK!?" She said quickly as she walked forward to face him...

"Yagi is stable right now I have two healers, healing his outer wounds and closing up the massive wound on his chest... you'll be able to see him shortly when I get him moved into a private room to rest but I suggest three visitors at a time. I don't know how long he's going to be out yet..."

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