9. The Obstacle Race

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At The Sports Festival

One of the students screamed out that someone is trapped under the robot. Before anyone really could react Kirashima busted through the robot. "Todoroki, I can't believe you pulled something like that. Jeez! Anyone but me woulda been killed!" Luckily his quirk is hardening so he did not take any damage when the robot landed on him. Suddenly another sound came just a few feet away from him. It was another student busting through the robot screaming out of anger. It look like he was covered in some form of metal. Turns out the boy student was from class 1B, and his quirk was Steel.

There was a explosion A few yards from Rinji, it was Bakugo using his quirk Shooting himself in the air like he did before and going over the robot. As he was flying over them The robots try to hit him but he kept on dodging their attacks. Sero used his elbow tape quirk just throwing himself over the robot. He was followed by Tokoyami as he was using his dark shadow to maneuver over as well both of them were right behind Bakugo.

Rinji yelled out. "Those four giant ones are mine!" He pointed to the four robots in front of him hoping that a few of the students hurt him. He quickly locked on to the closest one in front of him. He created a magnet with his body launching himself towards the robot then completely through the robot's head. He created explosions as he did this hitting a major spot in the wiring. He quickly turned his body to the next robot and did the exact same thing three more times. After the third one he launched himself higher than he did before. It was really an accident, he kind of went overboard but he sure glad that he did. A few of the other robots that were under him started to explode. He knew it was not because of him so he quickly looked around below as he was still in the sky. He could see Momo standing with a giant cannon that she must have created. "A piece of cake." She said as she started to run. Rinji whistled his amazement. "Damn, that explains why she got in with recommendations."

Present Mic yelled out once more with excitement through the speakers. "Wow amazing Attack from two students from class 1A, and both of them was let in by recommendations. Momo Yaoyorozu with an amazing canon attack destroying the bigger robot. And Rinji Yagi also destroying the bigger robots, of course what would you expect from a number one hero's Nephew!!" Hearing this the audience in the arena yelled out with excitement. Others were surprised about hearing the number one hero, All Might has a nephew in the sports Festival. "Wow! All Might's nephew! I'm totally going to root for him now" "Yeah, totally and honestly it looks like he has the same quirk as All Might." Said bye to people in the crowd not noticing a big figure listening into the Conversation. It was Endeavor, it look like he was furious on hearing about Rinji being All Might's nephew, and also being in the same class as his son, Shoto...

The rest of the robot started to fall and the students made their way through. Sato yelled out. "The path is clear!" Rinji was slowly falling and he noticed Izuku and he was carrying a piece of a Robot. "Of course only Izuku would use that. But I would give him props for thinking Quickly on his feet." Rinji locked on to one of the robots that was destroyed further A head, and he made a quick landing on top of it. It was not the best landing ever he ever did, but it was good enough. He made a huge indention on what was left of the robot. The other students started making their way to the next part of the course.

As Rinji got to the next part, he could hear Present MIC. "If they take a spill, they're out! If they wanna pass this test, they'll have to get creative. It's The Fall!" It was basically a giant hole in the ground with rock formations and ropes connecting them. Rinji noticed that a few of the students was just trying to figure out how they would get through. Suddenly he noticed Asui jumped onto the rope and started to walk easily across. There was another pink haired girl from another course most likely from the support course using Wire Arrows she launched her self into the air. "Interesting."

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