2. Class 1A!

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Mr. Aizawa quickly jumped torch the group of villains. A few of them did not know who he was and they thought that he was stupid for running straight for them. Before the first three could attack he canceled their quirks. Causing a panic between the three. He quickly grab the three with his Scarf, Throwing them in the air, and slamming all three knocking them out. Finally one of them figured who he was and pointed it out to everyone. "You idiots, that's Eraserhead, a pro!" One of the other villains Started making his way torch Eraserhead, with four arms but before he could lay a finger on him he was punched in the face and thrown across with his scarf. As soon as that happened another one came up behind him trying to get a surprise attack. Missing him and getting a kick to the stomach. Eraserhead through the forearm villain making him hit several others. For a moment they were at a standstill, but then suddenly he started attacking them again.

Back on top of the steps the students started to make their way to the exit, but Izuku stopped and continued watching

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Back on top of the steps the students started to make their way to the exit, but Izuku stopped and continued watching. "This is no time to be analyzing. We have to go!" Iida hollered out to him. Finally everyone was making their way to the door. To Rinji The door seemed farther away from them, then it once was. As he was running he noticed the black, purple form on the ground. "Everyone stop!" He yelled out. Everyone stopped just a few feet from the object. "There is no escape for you.. it's a pleasure to meet you. We are the league of villains. I know it's impolite but we decided to invite ourselves in to this haven of Justice to say hello. And besides isn't this a fitting place for All Might, The symbol of peace to have his last breath?" The object said. What did he mean All Might's last breath, Rinji started to sweat slightly is their plan to kill all night today?

Bakugo, Rinji, and Kirishima jumped up in the air to attack. A big explosion was created by Bakugo's Quirk. Covering the whole area in smoke. "Did you think we were going to stand around, and let you tear this place up?" Kirishima said as he was in his battle stance. "You three, get out of the way, right now!" 13 yelled out. Turns out she was planning on attacking, and they got in the way. The purple, and black object started to grow around the group. Rinji couldn't see a thing he placed his hands in front of his face to help him see, but no luck. He could hear the other student struggling, and he was mentally beating himself up.

The next thing he knew it seemed like there was no ground under him. He quickly opened his eyes and seen that he was Falling. He was surrounded by buildings on fire, he must be in the Conflagration zone. Rinji quickly reacted grabbing on to one of the buildings and lifting himself up into the window. "How did I get all the way over here? Was I teleported some how? Does that mean the others were too?" He quickly looked around, but saw no sign of anybody. He finally decided to activate his scanner on the Right side of his ear. As he clicked on it a red form of glassware covered his eyes. Thankfully on the bus the information that he put in was the different types of metals that his classmates were wearing. For example Bakugo's gauntlets were the first thing that popped up at the Collapsed zone. He starting to look around some more on the scanner trying to find the closest Person that he could try to meet up with. Finally he found the group that was closest to him at the mountain zone. On his scanner it looked like Momo, Kaminari, and Jiro. As he kept on looking at the scanner he could see that something wasn't right so he quickly made his way over there.

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