19. Who is the strongest?

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A sharp pain reached his ear as he started to scream...

"Don't you dare start a fight in my kitchen!!!" Mimi started to growl as she was holding onto Kaen's ear...

"It does not mean that the house is somewhat fire proof doesn't mean it's 100% fire proof and you can still cause damage!!" She continued as she was still holding onto his ear..

"Mimi!! Ouch. Ouch ouch!!! That really hurts you know!!!!" Kaen yelled out as he was trying to get loose from her grip.

Everyone could hear a older man chuckling.. They turned to see what the noise was and it was Pa standing in the doorway...

"You kids know that I have a training area in the back, don't you.. It's far away from the house that you don't have to worry about damaging anything..."

"That means we can go all out and no holding back.." Kaen said with excitement as he was still pulled down a little bit as Mimi was still holding onto his ear.. "OUCH!!" he yelled again as she pulled his ear one more time to get his attention.

"Yes , you can go all out but don't you dare ruin any of my flowers out there?"

"Ok ok ok!!"

Tay could not hold her laughter in any more, and she started to giggle, witnessing what was happening to Kaen..

"Anyway, this will be a good chance just to see a few my grandkids talents... anyway there's nothing on TV right now, so I'm sure other people will be interested as well.

"And don't you dare go out there with your school clothes you better change. I would hate to get a call from your school saying that your school uniform is a mess.. again..." his mother added as she walked into the room and his father, following behind her...

"Ok ok ok! Can you tell grandma over here to let go of my ear she's going to rip it off!?"

"That's Mimi to you!" She said as she pulled his ear one more time and then let go...

He started to rub his ear as he walked upstairs to go and get changed.

Most of the adults made their way outside to get some fresh air and to watch the sparring between the two boys.. Tay was setting on the edge of the porch petting Lou.. a little bit after that she was joined by Ken setting beside her and offered her some snacks from the kitchen..

Kazue decided to keep an eye on her twin girls inside because most likely their attention span would not last long, and then they would just get in the way outside during the sparring.

Mimi came around with a coffee pitcher and refilled several of the Akagi family members cups up. After that, she went and sat beside Pa in their wooden rocking chairs, side-by-side..

Rinji was waiting in the training area that his grandpa talked about... It was smaller than a football field off to the side in the very back of the property. It was mostly packed in dirt. As he waited, he decided to stretch a little bit..

Finally Kaen had stepped out of the house and started walking on the porch barefoot... he quickly jumped off the porch, but before his feet could touch the ground flames Bersted from his feet, shooting him torch, where Rinji was waiting for him..

Rinji quickly thought to himself, and tried making up a plan for this fight... His cousin was known to use his feet in fighting and training, never focusing on his arm strength, because he's only able to shoot flames from his feet.. So that means he may can use this as his advantage... but also, since his cousin is a hothead clearly he's already showing this just a couple minutes ago when he was demanding a fight, he knew he could use that to his advantage as well.

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