Barracudas Chapter 13

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(Robin's POV) Also... New character in this chapter... ;)

After meeting the team my eyes kept wandering back to where Finney and Lucas were, every time I glanced at them they were in a new position... As in, they were hugging different ways, but their hands were all over each other. I couldn't help but feel that little hole in the pit of my stomach grow of jealousy. I didn't understand why, yeah sure Finney was hot, and pretty and had really nice hair... and nice eyes, and soft pale skin- NO! I looked over one last time only to see Lucas holding Finney's hand now! What the heck!

"Yo! Robin, come here!" Aiden called. I just turned to see them in a small circle room for one more person. That person being me. I quickly walked over to the circle. "Alright, uniforms are in the locker rooms, and the Barracudas should be here in like ten, so hurry your asses up!" Josh yelled, Josh, basically the side coach, or rather the main coach. Coach Dean didn't really care that much about our well being, but only football, but Josh would consider your personal feelings... Sometimes.

The whole team scattered into the locker room as the bleachers began to fill up. "So, I was wondering afterwards, I'm having a little get together, you wanna come?" Aiden asked. I slightly shrugged. "I probably have to ask my mom... Since, she is going out tonight... Wants me to watch over the house." Aiden nodded clearly disappointed in my answer, but I just shrugged it off before entering the locker room.

"Jhonson, Showalter, Middleton, Lee, Uh, Arellano!" Josh said passing out the uniforms or the shirts with a random number and last name. I snagged mine before walking to the middle section where I put my bag. Aiden was right next to me smiling slightly as though he wanted me to start something with him. I stared back at him confused before he spoke. "Are you ready?" "For the game tonight?" "Yeah, sure." I raised an eyebrow at him, was he trying to ask if I was ready about something else. "Yeah..." I looked away slightly anxious, I don't know why, but I just wanted to be out of this conversation...

Suddenly I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. Turning quickly I saw Billy standing there almost scared by my quick reaction. "Hi." "Hey... Uh Gale's out there she wants to talk?" "Oh okay." I nodded before throwing the uniform over my head and walking to the door while tucking it into my football pants.

"Hey Robin." Gale smiled at me widely wearing a fuzzy off white jacket. "Hi, what are you doing out here?" "Well, I'm a cheerleader, but I was just wondering how have you been holding up? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She said keeping a bright happy smile. "Yeah, maybe we could get coffee sometime." "Yeah of course!" Gale said. "Well I better be going..." Gale smiled at me one last time before waving at me going to the girls little locker room.

I slightly smiled before going back into the locker room finishing getting ready.


It was the 2nd quarter and they called it. It was pouring rain, which was fine for football, but soon lightning, and then thunder. The game didn't get called but the coaches suggested waiting it out. Everyone was stuffed into locker rooms, or they ran to their cars. I was in the guest locker room, I wasn't exactly sure where anyone was, but all I knew in that very moment was I was surrounded by the opposite team. I was sitting on a bench that was in the very back of the locker room as I fidgeted with my helmet.

No one was exactly sitting close to me but there were people on the bench. Well so I thought until someone slammed down next to me. They were wearing a dirty light blue and white uniform, they were a barracuda. They slowly turned towards me their helmet still on. "Hey." "Hey..." "You're in the wrong locker room." No shit. "Yeah, kinda just got stuffed in here." "I think there's like two or three people in here that are on your team." You could just say you didn't want me here, god. I thought before standing up. "Where are you going?" The guy questioned. "To find someone... That I know." I said slowly. He looked  at me blankly, though I couldn't really see his face. He still had his helmet on.

"Well sit." He said grabbing me down. I sat next to him confused. "You can get to know me." He said before taking off his helmet to reveal himself. My eyes practically widened. He looked as though he was a fucking ken doll in modern time. He had this shinny blonde hair that was mid length with small but loud curls. His eyes were a ocean blue and he gave off golden retriever vibes.

"Noah." I smiled at him. "Robin. Nice to meet you." "Same... So, basics, what got you into football." My heart almost dropped. My dad got me into football, the same scumbag who cheated on my mom... The same asshole who went to jail, and came back acting like we didn't spend thousands of dollars for him to just come home and put himself back in the same position. "My dad." I answered. Noah nodded. "My older brother did... He was pretty great..." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Did he quit?" "No... Well, yeah, but he didn't have much of a choice, he got lung cancer... But he survived thank god." Noah smiled.

I smiled back. "Uh..okay...How about something totally totally off topic... What's your sexuality." I almost panicked. "Um straight into it huh?" I laughed nervously. "You don't have to... I shouldn't have said that." Noah covered his face as he erupted into nervous laughter. "No, it's fine... Uh, I'm..." I wanted to lie, but I really didn't want to. "I'm Bi." I said smiling, well shit that slipped out. Noah suddenly looked at me a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Uh what?" "Nothing... Oh and I'm pansexual..." Noah smiled. "Cool." I said. I slightly angled myself so I was now fully facing Noah. Noah did the same before I heard a loud cough. I looked up to see Finney, what was he doing here. "Sorry to interrupt... Noah." He nodded towards Noah and Noah practically flinched. I looked in between them confused. "Robin, mind me stealing you for a sec?" "Why?" "I just need to talk." "Hm, well that's a shame." I said looking at Finney slightly annoyed by his earlier behaviors. "Still holding a grudge huh?" "I never had one till this afternoon." I said.

Finney looked down. "And what did I do again?" "Don't play dumb." I scoffed. I turned to Noah who was just sitting there before flashing me a small smile. "What do you even want to talk about?" "Important shit." "And what is that?" 

This went on, of me asking Finney constant questions until Finney finally gave up and walked away. Noah looked at me before chuckling slightly. "Damn, you really know how to put Finney in his place." I slowly nodded before Noah and I got back to the questions. 

"So, what does your mom do?" "She is a vet, and nurse, she does both human aid and animal aid, but mainly animals." I smiled. "What about you?" "My parents are hunters, they hunt like deer or something? But I know they actually don't. like they literally have a garage full of weapons, like a silver bullet, like are they hunting fucking ware wolves or vampires? Also I found a stake under my mom and dad's bed... like a stake as in the ones they use in all those vampire movies..." (Not me casually taking a teen wolf concept... Could never...;))

I turned slightly pale. Noah hadn't noticed as he kept going on about this. I glanced over to Finney who was leaning against a wall crossing his arms. We made eye contact, and I almost felt sick to the stomach as Finney gave some sort of look that was so unsettling. He only turned around before leaving the locker room in the pouring rain.

I Hope you enjoyedddd! And here's the new character I promised!!!!

Noah Lewandowski- Pansexual, Age:17 | Night Owl | Barracuda, knows everyone from Bridgeview even though he lives in Bayners. 

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