Tryouts Chapter 8

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(Robin's POV)

My mind wondered as I tried finishing a 'get to know you' paper for the millionth time. I couldn't help but feel almost annoyed at the fact these teachers only focused about one thing, football and Cheer leading. It was tiring, no actual teacher has even mentioned the thing they're supposed to be teaching right now. And as dorky as it sounds, that I'm complaining about it I think at least one or two people could agree. Like can the teachers shut the fuck up for once! Like they also have terrible breath no matter how much mint gum you stuff into your pig mouth! IT WILL STILL SMELL!

I lean back in my chair my mind flooding out thoughts about my new teachers. It was the second day, I get it. But actually? I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I looked down at my paper, with one last question. 'Do you have any siblings?' And with that I drew a large 'NO' in all caps. I threw my pencil back onto my desk before standing up and collapsing on my bed. 

I turned on my side to get a view of my window. Tomorrow I have tryouts, and I was fucking nervous. Considering everyone in this school is Football crazy, I'm expecting there to be good competition. And judged by my last school everyone compared to me, either sucked, or was alright.


(Finney's POV)

"That's what I just don't get." I said looking at Vance who kept turning through some old book his dad lent him. "Well just don't continue itching." Bruce said examining the redness that only has gotten worse over the last few hours. "I mean ideally, how about we just kill someone." Griffin suggested as he too looked at an old book. Billy just shrugged. "It's too risky." "How?" Griffin asked looking at Billy. "If you don't remember we live in a small town everyone finds out everything, and like literally everything. And with the chief and the mayor missing now, it's gonna be hard to just make another person." Billy snaps trying to make a more dramatic effect "Disappear." 

"Well I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we can just do a hospital heist." Bruce said lowering my arm. "Are you sure?" Vance questioned. "Well, we're a team, if someone goes down we all do too." "Yeah but that's what we're on edge about." I interrupt. Everyone suddenly turns to me. "We don't even know what's happening to me. It could be about getting poisoned for all I know." "I don't think so." Griffin said putting down the book right in front of me. "You're craving, and unless you don't get what you want, and need, this whole thing will over power you...And it's likely that you'll either go fucking insane, or you'll die." I look at the page the book was opened to.

"Holy shit." Billy said looking at the small faded writing. "But what do you need?" "He needs to find a mate." Griffin said sitting down and looking at me concerned. "An actual one, not just some rando, you need a strong bond...And you need their blood. But not a bite." Griffin said sternly. 

"But the question is, who is this mystery mate?" Vance said sitting on the edge of my bed. "I don't know but judged by these veins, you clearly just met them... they're fresh and this whole thing started like what? A week ago?" "Yeah." I answered. Bruce looked almost as though he solved a whole mystery. "What?" Vance questioned looking at Bruce. "What about Robin?" "Robin?" Griffin said almost confused. "Oh, man, that would be funny." Billy laughed. Vance only shrugged.

"Yeah no, I don't think so." "It's not like you haven't dated a guy before." "Well it's not that, Robin, he just seems too fragile..." "Aww, you care though huh." Billy said laughing. I roll my eyes in response.  "Well, you never know." Bruce said. "I guess." "Can you think of anyone else you've met over this week?" "Uh, this girl Sophie, but she's a complete nobody, and a lesbian I'm pretty sure. Uh, the dude at the bar, This other guy at Midnight, well two guys... Like five girls at Midnight, and, Robin's mom...And Robin I guess." "Hm, so all these other people are complete randoms?" "Basically." "Well this will be hard then." Vance said crossing his arms. 

"Well it says here that you should either feel a throbbing or very sharp sensation when you're near them or close..." "That sounds like a thing from fucking Teen wolf." Bruce said grabbing the book from Griffin. "Hey!" Griffin said. "I'm just saying and plus, Finney have you felt this crap?" "No." "Exactly, this book is probably false." "Like you would know." Griffin said sassing Bruce. Bruce rolls his eyes in return as Griffin snatches back the book. 

"I think it's probably bull shit, if anything you just need human blood, you haven't drank it in years." Vance said leaning back. "Yeah, I mean I guess, but lets give this Griffin idea a shot, we'll get you blood tomorrow, unless you feel this throbbing when you're near Robin tomorrow." "Who said it was Robin?" I questioned Billy. "Seems like the only person that fits." Billy said raising his hands in defense. I just lean back into my chair. 

"I agree." Griffin says. Bruce looks in between both Griffin and Billy. "Are you guys fucking yet?" "Are you high or drunk?" Griffin said walking over to Bruce. "No... Well maybe. No... Yeah no." Bruce smiles. Billy only throws his head back in exhaustion. "Ugh, Alright I'm going fucking home."  Billy said. "I might as well too." Vance said standing up. "Alright bye." Griffin said. Both Vance and Billy walked off nudging each other as they laughed about something.

"I can't literally stand them." Griffin says. "What?" I say confused. "Vance is literally acting like this smart ass," I give Griffin a confused look. He grabs the book Vance was looking at. "This isn't old shit, it's fucking from Barnes and Nobles." Griffin scoffs. Bruce snorts "Of course it is." "But I thought his dad gave it to him." "He was just saying that." Griffin said laughing. "At this point I'm not surprised." I laughed. tossing the book onto my bed. 

"And Billy keeps flirting with me like ew." Griffin said playing with his curls. "Yeah and it doesn't seem that you're stopping him." Bruce said raising his eyebrows. "I think he likes you." I say looking at Griffin who just scoffed. "As if..." Griffin said. "Anyways, I'm gonna head home." "Yeah I might as well go too, Um, see you tomorrow Finney." I nodded to both of them before standing up to lead them to my door. "See you guys tomorrow." "Bye Finney." I close my door before walking over to my bed grabbing the book Griffin left behind. 

I examined the book for a good minute before thinking about my 'mate' I stood up looking through my window to see Robin sitting at his desk doing what looked like some sort of get to know you paper. I only chuckled to see the frustrated look on his face. If I wasn't trying to stay away from him I'd say he looked... I don't know... Cute...

And about staying away from him, I had to contain myself. Robin confused me, he scrambled my brain... He just made me feel weird... And more importantly I couldn't do the basic things that I could do with other people... He was like a jigsaw puzzle....He made me think... Think too much.

Suddenly Robin stood up and walked over to his bed and fell down. I slightly smiled, a warm cozy feeling engulfed me as I looked at him laying there. My eyes fell down to my arm that began to almost inherit a heartbeat..."Oh fuck." I mumbled.


Sealed With a Kiss *(RINNEY)*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu