I pull out of the hug and leave a swift kiss on her cheek before grabbing my bag.

'Well, Mels, better get this over and done with!'

She follows me outside and locks her door behind her as I leap down the stairs. We walk silently to Mr Finch's office, before knocking I feel her gently squeeze my arm and I glance at her, spotting the confident smile on her lips. 

I knock and hear him cough and get up, he opens the door and smiles widely.

'Ah, you both made it in one piece! Glad to see you. Please take a seat.'

I sit down and manspread across the chair, receiving a swift kick from Melissa while Finch's back is turned. I close my legs and act a bit more professional.

'So, I hear there was some sort of altercation today, in your criminology class, Miss Rimble, could you please enlighten me?' His speech is smooth and calming to listen to. 

'Yes, sir, a fight broke out between me and another student' I point to my eyebrow and he nods silently.

'So, what caused this?'

'Olivia was teasing me constantly, and not playful kind of teasing, she was being horrible sir.'

'Care to elaborate?' He asks

'She called me a freak numerous times, she shouted in my face and put her hands on my desk, touching me. I'm not one to use violence towards anyone, Mr Finch, but she really got under my skin.'

'You know that is no way to act in this school, Lily' He turns stern.

'I know sir, I'm sorry for the way I acted, I should've reacted in a much calmer manner, and I let my anger get the better of me'

'Thank you, Lily.' He nods and refers to Melissa.

'Miss McDonald, I understand you were there towards the end? Did you hear any of this occurring?'

I look at Mels, who is calm and collected.

'I did not, Mr Finch. I simply walked in when Miss Rimble was walking out.' She states.

'So you left with Lily, ignoring the other student?' He pushes.

'No, I phoned her form tutor and waited for her arrival'

'But you gave no regard whatsoever to the harmed student on the floor?' Mr Finch's face reddens.

'There was a harmed student in front of me, I helped her.' She adjusted in her seat.

'Right. Lily, you did not need to act in such a way, I'm sure whatever Olivia said was not so harmful you had to abuse her in such a way.' 

Melissa laughs out loud and leans forward onto his desk, levelling herself with Mr Finch.

'She said she was sorry, what're the consequences Bradley.' Melissa holds eye contact so intense that Mr Finch looks uncomfortable.

'Errr, Lily, suspension for a week. Olivia will get a day'

'Are you joking?' Melissa spits.

'You're giving Lily an entire week and Olivia a singular day.' She looks unimpressed.

'Oh, I meant the other way around! Ha silly me!' Mr Finch laughs uncomfortably and subtly airs out his palms. 

Miss McDonald nods triumphantly and stands up, leans over the table and offers her hand to the headteacher. He takes it and then he leans for my hand, which I place in his grasp. I shake it firmly and we turn around in unison, towards the door.

The second we're out of the room I turn to Melissa who holds her hand up for a high five which I slap harshly.

'Ow. Maybe he should've kept that week' She jokes.

I laugh and we go back to her room to get my stuff. I have no more lessons which means I can go home. I find myself wanting to stay longer and I sit down on the desk infront of Melissa's, my French work out in front of me.

After a few minutes of scrolling away at her phone, Melissa looks up at me and chuckles to herself. I look up to see what she's doing and her phone is pointed my way, making me smile and hide behind my hands.

'Look at you actually working...What's happened' She exclaims.

'I see you taking pictures of me you creeper' She turns slightly red as she shamelessly shows it to me. She managed to get an actually okay picture of me smirking at her. 

Now there's a picture of me on her phone. If only she knew about the millions I have of her on mine...


what do we think????

guys wtf tysm for 1k reads...what the flippedy flip

pls leave opinions!

i love you trillions 

xoxo dais

Yes, Miss?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora