Chapter 4

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The court session was finally over, and everyone was allowed to leave. Hange, Levi and Erwin took Eren to a room to get him cleaned up.

"Well then, that went better than expected." Hange pointed out, as I was cleaning Eren's wounds.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

"Yeah..." He murmured.

"Yeah? Describe it to me." Hange pleaded, as she leaned on my back peering over my shoulder.

"Give him a break. He just had the worst beating of his life." I mentioned, slightly shrugging Hange off.

Erwin stepped forward.

"Sorry for all that, but the theatrics did get you placed into our custody." Erwin mentioned.

"No, I understand." Eren replied.

"I can assure you the pain was worth it. We played our best trump card at the perfect time. You have my upmost respect." Erwin said, as he held his hand out towards Eren. Eren took his hand. "I'm glad you're on our team Eren."

"M-Me too, glad to be here sir!" Eren stuttered in response.

Levi walked over and sat down next to Eren which made him flinch.

"So Eren, do you resent me now?" Levi asked.

"N-No sir, I can see what you did was necessary." He replied.

"Good, then you understand."

"Was it really necessary to beat him that hard? I'm surprised he's still alive." I pointed out.

"I did what I had to do. You can't complain. He's in our custody now and if we have to, you and I will need to kill him." Levi stated, as he was looking at me.

"Yes sir." I murmured, looking away.

"Still, don't you think you went too far? I mean you knocked his tooth out." Hange pointed out, as she pulled a handkerchief out and revealed the tooth.

"You picked it up? How disgusting." Levi scolded.

"This is a precious sample I'll have you know."

"Just be glad people like that aren't dissecting you."

"Don't compare me to them, I wouldn't dream of killing him, right (y/n)?" Hange patted my shoulder.

"Yes, we can't kill him without any idea of what he is. I promise not to poke or slice you too much." I stated, as I packed my med kit away. Then something grabbed my attention. "Hey Eren, could you open your mouth?" I asked.

"Huh? Why?"

"Just do it."

Eren reluctantly opened his mouth and both Hange and I noticed it.

"Your tooth..." I murmured.

"It grew back." Hange added.

"I guess that's to expected from a titan shifter. If he can regenerate like any other titan, that probably means he won't die easily." I mentioned.

"Alright then, I'll have Eren come with me and my squad. (y/n), you'll come along as well since you'll be studying the brat anyway, understood?" Levi mentioned, looking at me.

"Yes sir."

"Another thing. Do you plan on going to Shiganshina as well?"

"If father has gone outside the wall for research, perhaps he's headed there for the same reason as us. He might know something we don't, and I want to find out what that is." I answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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